
“Jonesy got a sponsorship, did you hear?” Trey asked as he started suiting up.

“Yeah, a truck commercial. That’s great news,” I said, working my foot into my skate before I began lacing it up. Jonesy was our goalie, and he’d been playing like a damn demon for the entire season so far.

He more than deserved the shit ton of money that was sure to be flowing his way now.

“It is.”

“Not quite the notoriety as some guys got from a condom commercial, but still,” I kidded Trey. But it was absolutely, one hundred percent the truth.

Trey had always done well with the ladies. However, the commercial and accompanying condom campaign had kicked his extracurricular activities into overdrive.

“Well, when you’ve got it, you’ve got it,” he said in his overconfident, cocky manner as he waggled his eyebrows.

“You going to behave tonight?” I asked, already knowing the answer. If Ivan Rozovsky was on the opposing team, Trey was not going to behave.

“I hate that motherfucker,” Trey said, sliding his jersey over his head. “If he provokes me, he’s getting my fist down his throat. It’s simple as that.”

I closed my eyes, hoping Rozovsky would come down with some kind of virulent stomach flu right before game time. These two were trying my patience.

And it wasn’t exactly like I had any left, anyway.

Between Geneviève ignoring me—or snapping at me when she wasn’t—and dealing with Sienna’s newfound affection for me—which was weird as shit, I truly felt like I was going insane.

I still didn’t know what G’s deal was.

I knew when I’d left her bed that morning that she felt the same way I did.

And contrary to what she’d said, we did make love. It hadn’t been some random groping. We’d connected.

Why she was continuing to deny how she felt was a damn mystery. I’d tried time after time to talk to her, but she cut me off—and cut me out of her life. Again.

As for Sienna, whatever was in her bag of tricks scared the shit out of me. More and more, she was asking us to do things together as ‘a family’.

Her sugary sweetness routine was getting old.

I knew the real Sienna. Why she was trying to portray this perfect woman façade had me worried.

And I didn’t even know why.

All I was certain of, when it came to Sienna, I needed to watch my back.

And my arms.

And my chest.

She was always trying to hold my hand or hug me.

It was damn uncomfortable.

Of course, she always pulled this stuff when the boys were around, so it wasn’t like I could brush her off like I wanted. The last thing they needed to see was me being unkind or short with their mother.

Other than when I had the boys to myself, my life was a freaking gong show.

“How about you try your best to avoid him tonight? Can you manage that for once?” I asked in maybe too harsh of a tone.