“What makes my heart sad, is seeing you and my son so miserable apart. The ways of the heart are not always easy. And now there are two boys thrown into the mix.”

Monique sat herself beside me, our legs touching. Then she handed me the bag of Canadian candy. I pulled out a Coffee Crisp, because those were the best. “If you already love each other, children—however they come—can add another layer onto that love. You have a great capacity for love. I saw that in you instantly.

“God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. You can weather this storm. And when you do?” She reached into the bag and pulled out the Ketchup chips. “You will find your love even stronger for having gone through it.”

I watched Monique crunch down on the first few chips, her fingers and lips instantly dyed that indelible red. She hadn’t seemed like a Ketchup chip eating kind of person.

Her eyes turned toward the TV. Still, she continued to shove in chip after chip. “Do not judge, Geneviève. I too, have had a long day. I deserve these chips.”

Monique slid her arm around me and hugged me tight.

Then I demolished my Coffee Crisp before moving onto my own bag of Ketchup chips.