“But you hardly know each other. And they both have a nut allergy, so I think I should come along for at least this first night.”

I tried not to laugh. I honest to God tried. Still, I laughed. “I’m familiar with nut allergies. If there’s an issue, I’ll call.” Then I called for the boys. “Okay, guys, grab your bags. It’s time to go!” I shouted up the stairs where they’d both disappeared to when I’d first arrived.

Sienna had been trying to get an invitation ever since.

That was one thing she was not going to get.

“Coming, coming,” Cooper said as he dragged his backpack down the stairs carefully.

Carson whizzed passed him with his backpack on his back, then promptly dropped to his behind and slid the rest of the way down the stairs.

I tried not to laugh, but it was too funny.

“Carson, how many times have I told you to stop doing that?” Sienna scolded him. Carson looked guilty for a second before he gazed up at me and smiled.

It was like looking into a mirror.

“Say goodbye to your mom,” I ordered, picking up Cooper’s backpack for him when he finally made his way down the stairs.

They both hugged Sienna, then ran out the door.

Sienna sidled up to me and placed both hands on my chest. “Beauregard, why don’t I come along? I can help you with the boys.”

Her touch—and her voice—felt like acid. “Don’t ever call me that again.”

“Why? It’s what Gigi called you.” She looked up into my eyes as she fluttered her eyelashes at me.

“She calls me that. You don’t.”

Sienna shook her head and rubbed my chest with her hands. “Called. She called you that. I heard you two broke up.”

“Nope, we didn’t,” I said, not wanting to get into the complexities of my love life at the moment. “Besides, my relationship status is no concern of yours. And it never will be.” I moved back, making her hands drop.

“I’ll have them back first thing in the morning.”

I hustled outside, hoping the boys hadn’t gotten into too much trouble in the five seconds they’d been out here alone. In all honesty, the thought of having the boys to myself for the next twenty-four hours made me more than a little nervous.

Yeah, I had nieces and nephews. But even when the whole family was out at the cabin, I didn’t have to watch any of the kids for more than a couple hours at a time.

Having two at once, with just me to referee seemed like a big task.

It also sounded like a lot of fun.

I bleeped my locks and the boys jumped, then laughed at each other.

Their camaraderie was a thing of wonder.

I’d always been close to my brother. My sister, too.

But the way they were around each other was on a whole different level. We hadn’t spent that much time alone together, but their special bond was immediately obvious.

“Do you know how to work the seats?” I asked as I opened the backdoor and both of them rushed in. Carson was struggling to get his backpack off, so I gave him a hand. I was still carrying Cooper’s backpack, so he was free to maneuver into his seat first.

“These are the same as what our grandma and grandpa have,” Cooper said, fitting his arms through the straps, then buckling himself in.

I tried to help Carson into his seat, but he insisted on doing it himself.

Once they were buckled in, I shut the door and took a deep breath. It was hard to believe this was actually happening. I had two kids. Packed into the backseat of my Jeep.