
The lawyer shit felt like it took forever.

I was more that willing to pay Sienna for back child support.

Had I known about the boys earlier, I would have been paying anyway. Luckily, my accountant was always available and on the ball, so figuring out what I owed didn’t take long.

Sienna and I were only together for a month, but she’d tried to weasel the whole scenario into making it sound like we’d been in a solid, committed relationship for ages.

Which was not the truth at all.

She wanted spousal support on top of child support, and I couldn’t help but laugh right the hell out loud when her lawyer even suggested it.

Finally, my lawyer pointed out that Sienna had willfully kept the twins from me for years without my knowledge—and that not many judges in the country would look upon her actions as favorable.

He also added that at the moment I had no desire to sue for full custody, but if my hand was forced, I’d do what was best for the boys.

That shut both of them up pretty fast.

It was true, though. I didn’t want to take them away from their mother. She was all they’d known their entire, young lives. The few times I’d visited, I’d seen their rooms and playroom.

They had everything a kid could ever want.

No hockey sticks or pucks, but I’d see to that.

I just wanted to be in their lives however that worked.

During the off season, I’d be more consistent with regular days and times.

But during the season, my schedule was all over the place.

That was what took the majority of time figuring out. And having Sienna agree to being flexible if I had to be out of town for a game or training or promotion.

When I finally walked out of there, I felt like hitting a punching bag.

Mostly because I’d felt like one all morning.

“I’d say how happy I am that it’s over, but with a gal like Sienna, I have a feeling it’s far from. You picked a doozy to have a family with, boy,” my lawyer said as he slapped me on the back. He’d walked me outside so we could talk in the parking lot.

“One step at a time, Ernie. Thanks again for all of your help.” I outstretched my hand to him, and he took it.

He shook my hand, placing his other hand on my arm. “I’ll be right here beside you to meet whatever her next ridiculous demands might be. And trust me, Beau, she’s going to come at you for more. I’ve been in this business a long time now. I’ve seen many Sienna’s in my day.”

I nodded, taking his words in, but not liking what he was dishing out. “I believe you. Sienna is all about Sienna. Always has been and always will be. As long as I get to see my kids, I’ll consider myself lucky.”

He let go of my hand and said, “She pulled a fast one on you. That’s on her. Do not blame yourself for what that woman did.”

I bit the inside of my cheek and thanked him again.

It was easy to tell someone not to blame themselves.

Unfortunately, it was much harder to actually do.

“I can just drive you.I’ve got the proper car seats and everything,” Sienna said, reaching for her purse on the decorative table in her front entryway.

Like hell she was coming with us. “I’ve got the proper car seats, too. Everything’s installed and ready.”