Getting back in the swing of normal life was what I focused on now.
Now that the holiday season was officially over and both teams were at the apartments—I felt like I could finally relax again. It had been weird being here alone. Well, my mom stayed with me for a while.
Even my brother took some time off and helped out.
When I could finally function without their help, I kicked them both back home where they belonged.
“Thanks for watching the puppies for us. It was enough work with just the boys on the plane. I can’t imagine trying to look after two puppies, too.”
I had to laugh at the thought of Beau Moreau, star hockey forward, toting along his four year old twin boys and new fiancée around. It hadn’t been that long ago since he’d found out about his kids.
His evil ex had practically showed up on his doorstep with them a couple of months ago. Beau didn’t even know they existed until then. Sienna was a real piece of work, I tell you.
Before that, I would never have thought he’d succumb to the whole family thing.
But now, I had to admit, it looked good on him.
“You know I will take those puppies any time. They love their uncle Trey,” I said, then a loud engine growled from the parking lot and we both turned our heads in that direction. “What the hell was that?”
Beau shaded his eyes against the sun and focused on what we both saw just outside the gates.
A chick on a Harley.
Long fucking legs.
Tiny, jean shorts.
She slid off the bike and everything suddenly changed to slow motion. The way she took off her helmet and let her long hair fall out of it made my dick hard.
Swear to Christ.
Her motorcycle boots had a high heel, making her perfect, round ass stick out deliciously. She scooped a bag up and onto her arm, then strode right to the gates.
As soon as she opened it and walked through, I heard one of my favorite songs blare around us. After she shut the gate behind her, I watched as she lifted the mirrored aviators from her face and set them on top of her head.
A pair of the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen peered around the courtyard as a huge smile formed on her face.
I was mesmerized by her every movement.
She slipped her leather jacket off, revealing a large, flowered tattoo on her shoulder and down her arm.
“Have mercy,” I said to myself, finally taking in a much-needed breath. “Do you hear, ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ playing, too? Or is that just me?”
Right then, Gigi burst out of her apartment and screamed the loudest, highest pitched yell I’d heard.
Not to be outdone, the motorcycle chick dropped her jacket and her bag and started screaming equally as loud.
Gigi danced her way down the steps and the motorcycle chick rocked her way to where her screaming counterpart was.
Once they met at the bottom of the steps, they hugged and hollered and jumped up and down, simultaneously.
“I think I’m in love,” I muttered, unable to remove my eyes from my new infatuation.
Beau spoke up, “No, man. You are definitely not in love. Get that outta your brain. She’s Geneviève’s friend and a member of the women’s team.”
The other women started filing out of their apartments, most bearing gifts of drinks, food, balloons, you name it, and the girls had it in their hands.
They started welcoming their new team member with open arms—all while they danced and clapped—obviously excited to meet her. And the motorcycle chick seemed just as excited.