Chapter Thirty-Nine or Welcome to the Jungle


“Idon’t think I’ll ever take sunshine for granted again,” I said, exhaling loudly as I stretched like a big, fat cat in the sun. My body hurt like a mother. It was probably time for more pain pills.

Beau looked over at me and said, “You were cooped up in the hospital for a long time.”

“Ha, that’s gotta be the understatement of the year.” I rolled my head around on my shoulders, hearing a series of cracks and snaps as I went. “Damn, I’m stiff.”

“You should have stayed in the hospital instead of breaking out. Geneviève had an actual cow when she heard you were leaving.” He stared at me, but I was in no mood to go there right now. There was no way I could have spent another hour in that place. Talk about soul-killing.

“Nothing like a little fresh air and sunshine to speed up healing.”

He snorted and shook his head. “Yeah, and your mom and brother here to wait on you hand and foot.”

That made me chuckle.

Because it was true.

“I can’t help it if they were worried, man.” I settled back in my lounge chair. “How was Christmas in Alberta?”

The smile that crossed my friend’s face made me happy as hell for him. “Could not have been better,” he said, then looked at me. “Except Geneviève turns into a lump on a bump when she’s at home, apparently. Anything her mom asked her to do, she whined and complained about.” He clenched his jaw tightly, then said, “Her mom must’ve asked her ten times to take out the garbage.”

“And did she?”

“Nah, she told me to show the twins how a man takes out the garbage.”

That cracked me right up. Gigi was hilarious and I could absolutely see her saying something like that to her fiancé. “Good for her. She deserves a break. That woman never stops when she’s here.”

“Her mom had Christmas early so we could go to Montreal for Christmas Day.”

I raised my eyebrows at that. Beau had insisted that he and Gigi were going to her mom’s house for Christmas. That much I remembered. “You’re kidding? Her mom was cool with that?” I asked, surprised G’s mom would willingly forego her holiday time with them.

“Noémie is the bomb. She’s fantastic.”

“What’s she look like?” I asked, more than curious to know his opinion.

He turned to me. “Exactly like her daughter.”

My eyes widened. “So there really are two of them?” I asked for confirmation. Gigi had told me months ago that she and her mom could be twins.

Beau nodded and lowered his voice. “I almost grabbed Noémie’s ass in the kitchen one morning. Stopped myself just in the nick of time.”

I howled out loud at the thought of Beau grabbing his future mother-in-law’s ass. “What made you stop?”

“Geneviève walked around the corner.”

We both laughed for a while and it felt too good.

While the doctors were calling my recovery nothing short of miraculous, my body still wasn’t up to par.


It would be.

I needed more time to heal.