What’s a pig’s favorite color?


* * *

Icouldn’t help it. I burst out laughing, although it came out more of a hacking bark while in this form. This is the park on the outskirts of the city. It’s hardly a wilderness. We will have to go home soon.

Arizona groaned into her hands.

If it is any conciliation, Jack wants you. Your magic fanned the flames, but it didn’t set the fire. Think of it like your magic just sped up the falling in love part… a lot.

“How can I avoid doing it again if I don’t even know what I did in the first place?” Arizona stared at me, fear shimmering in her luminous eyes. “I have to be at work in a few hours. How will I get it under control before then? What if I hurt someone or blow up the museum? Again?”

Calm down, My Queen. Strong emotion will make it worse. Take deep breaths and let go of your anxiety. Rez tried to soothe her.

I groaned, dropping my head into the dirt. Rez was supposed to be the one who was good with words, but even I knew not to tell a woman to calm down. That was one of the few things I knew hadn’t changed with time.




“CALM DOWN? You want me to calm the freak down?” Arizona’s voice had risen to a pitch so high that several dogs across town barked out a response. Clearly, her magic hadn’t lowered enough.

I rolled onto my back, wanting to get a better view of the scene playing out in front of me. Arizona stood to her adorable full five-foot six-inch height and stomped toward the confused T-Rex. Rez rested on the ground, his head towering over her. Even with the absurd height difference, my money was on the angry little spitfire winning this fight.

My man Rez decided to double down, obviously not realizing that he’d stepped in a huge pile of brontosaurus dung with his choice of words. Yes. It would be best for you to calm down. This isn’t good for your body, Ari.

I shouldn’t have laughed, but I did. Harder than I’d ever laughed in my life.Oh, how the mighty had fallen.

I was the one who couldn’t control my emotions and shifted into my beast because it was easier than dealing with my feelings. Rez didn’t shift because of emotional turmoil. Even the day we’d shifted in the city, Rez had only shifted when a truck had nearly slammed into me.

Not until last night when Ari’s teasing words about falling in love had hit the one nerve Rez kept protected. Outside of Tsufnu and my friendship, he’d never been loved or cared for by anyone. Not by a parent, sibling, partner, or lover. Rez wanted to experience that love so much that he’d gambled everything on the chance of being with Arizona. He’d tried to protect his heart, telling himself he would be fine to love her even if all she felt was affection for him. But deep down, I knew he wanted that which he’d never had.

Rez was a Tyrannosaurus rex. They were the monsters of our time, feared by all, but fearing nothing themselves. All except for Rez, the gentle giant with a gaping hole in his armor… A hole Arizona had hit by accident with the one thing he wanted more than anything else in his lifetimes.

As soon as the words left her lips, I saw Rez’s body react. I’d seen the bone-crushing longing in his eyes. I’d tried to speak to him, but he was too busy fighting his beast for control.

When Arizona had peaked around his body, her eyes had glowed. Not in a happy way, but in the I-swallowed-a-magical-lightbulb kind of way. I’d only seen one other Vazi light up like that.

Priestess Tsufnu.

I was becoming increasingly suspicious that she hadn’t shared all the details about Arizona’s abilities.

My priority had been to get Rez and Arizona out of the restaurant before Rez shifted and before anyone got a good look at Arizona’s face or the glow in her eyes. I could only pray that Jack hadn’t seen her eyes. It had taken every ounce of control I possessed to fight my beast and take charge. I’d managed for Ari.

I watched her prepare to slay the dragon, so to speak, and grinned. She was a girl worth changing for.

“I’ll tell you what’s not good for my body.” Arizona stood toe-to-claw with Rez. “Having you tell me what to do!”

My love, I’m only trying to explain—

“Yes, why don’t you explain things to me? Maybe in simple terms that my little human mind can understand.”

Dear priestess. Had Rez lost his mind? I covered my face with my tail, not sure I could handle the comet crash that was most definitely incoming.