I had to siphon magic from you to perform the spell. It is a crime to take magic from another without their permission, Arizona. Magic burns a lot of energy, and it is worse if you don’t know what you are doing. You did your nifty magic trick in the street, and then I pulled magic from you right after. Your system was in shock, and you passed out, and it’s why you are exhausted right now.

Zon spoke in my mind, the words heavy with pain and laced with shame. The raptor turned his head away from me as though he couldn’t bear to see my rage. But he didn’t get it; I trusted him with my life and with whatever magic I had in me. I still had my doubts about that.

I walked to his side. Even with him lying down, we were eye to eye. “Zon. Stop this. You did what you had to do to keep us safe. It would have taken too long to explain everything thing to me.”

I petted between his eyes, admiring the color shift of his emerald green scales as he moved. “Are you sure you got the magic from me, though? I thought you guys said my magic was still weak since it had just been awakened.”

We were wrong.Magic was pouring from you last night. By the time we realized it, things had gone too far, Rez broke in.

I thought back over the night before. “At the table, before we, uh… you know, did the stuff, I was feeling weird.” I laughed uncomfortably. “This is going to sound crazy. Then again, I am talking to two dinosaurs, so maybe it won’t. I thought I was going to disintegrate.” My cheeks burned as I continued. “After my orgasm, a lot of that feeling eased, but I was still on edge.”

That was your magic. It had been building inside you and reached a boiling point during dinner. I sensed your worry and hoped my touch would help calm and distract you. I didn’t realize it was far more than anxiety about Jack’s presence that had you so high-strung. Your climax helped to disperse some of the magic’s chaotic energy, but not all of it.Rez’s frustration at missing the cause of my distress was clear.

“What would have happened if you didn’t disperse some of the magic?” I asked the question, but dreaded the answer.

Neither dinosaur would meet my eye. “Guys?”

Magic is chaotic. It has a life of its own sometimes, which means it is unpredictable. It is made more unstable by strong emotions and fatigue. There is no way to know what the exact outcome would have been if you’d erupted, but it could have been anything from burning yourself out permanently, to blowing up the restaurant, to sucking the life force from humans in close proximity, to casting a love spell on every patron in the restaurant.

Zon growled in anger. Which is why I should have been paying closer attention. I got so distracted by your body and your intoxicating magic. My beast was pushing to take you in the middle of the restaurant. By the time I regained a semblance of control and came to find you, things had escalated again. Rez blew out a long breath, flattening the grass around him.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

Zon gave a dark chuckle. He means you were well on your way to binding the detective to you as your mate. And before you feel guilty, that isn’t possible unless he was one hundred percent on board with the idea. Heck, you’d even thrown up a false wall to give you two privacy in that hall. We only found you by following your mouth-watering scent. If you’d orgasmed again with that much magic surrounding you, you might have blown up the city block.

I gasped like a fish out of water, my lungs refusing to inhale or exhale.

You didn’t have to tell her like that, Zon! Rez’s eyes, which were larger than my head, glowed a brilliant amber, and he snapped his teeth at the raptor. Ari? Arizona?

I couldn’t speak. Not only did I possess magic, but I’d used it. Memories flashed through my mind.

Me yelling at the crowd to step onto the sidewalk, and them moving, almost unwillingly, to obey.

Me wondering what my guys were thinking and then me suddenly being in their heads… and in Jack’s mind a few minutes later.

Me telling Jack to go home last night when he was following us, and him following my directions.

Me worried that someone would come down the hall to the bathroom and catch Jack and me making out.

How many other times had I used magic without realizing it? Had Jack even wanted me, or had I hocus-pocused him into horniness?

I covered my face with my hands. There was no way I could face him after tonight. We were just going to have to stay here in the wilderness for the rest of our lives.