“Guys?” I kept my voice low, trying to soothe them. “Everything is okay. I’ve got Albert, and he isn’t going to hurt you.” I was proud I managed not to laugh at the absurdity of the sentence.

Edging further into the alley, I slid my hand along Rez’s tail. I’d ridden horses for a while as a kid, and I remember my teacher instructing me to always make sure the horse knew where I was so I didn’t accidentally spook it. Rez wasn’t a horse, but the advice seemed good.

“Rez, Zon? I need you guys to hocus pocus yourselves back into men. Please?” When neither dinosaur so much as moved a muscle, I tried again. “Listen, I want this… this thing to work out between us. But we need to talk. I need help to understand what is going on and how all this is happening.”

The alley grew silent, and then the air grew warm, shimmering around us. Rez shifted from beast to man first. Once Rez’s shift was complete, Zonkut followed suit and shifted quickly.

I was disappointed—I mean, relieved to see their borrowed clothes were still intact. “How did your clothes not rip?”

“Magic,” Rez answered, giving me a small, hesitant smile.

Setting Albert down with a command to stay, I rushed forward, tossing my arms around Rez’s neck.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you.” My words came out muffled against his skin.

“I know. It is best we talk.” Rez hugged me tight before releasing me into Zonkut’s waiting arms.

I whispered my apology to him as well. Zon kissed the tip of my nose and motioned for me to lead the way out of the alley. I suspected he wanted me to go first as protection from Albert, but I didn’t say as much out loud. Grabbing Albert’s leash, we headed into the apartment building.

It was time to get my answers.