Chapter 18: Jocelyn

I sat through the drive back to the compound thinking of what had just happened in the last few hours. I’d found out I was pregnant with twins, been involved in a car accident, kidnapped, and rescued. Damn, it had been an eventful day. I knew I should be more upset or even scared, but all I could think about was finally being rid of Jonathan. I didn’t feel any remorse that he would die. In fact, I wanted a piece of him for all the shit he’d put me through for over a year. Was it lawful what they were about to do? No. Was it right? Yes. Turning him over to the police would only see him released in a few years to terrorize someone else or even me. He was a lawyer and would know every trick to try and get out of it or lessen his sentence. I couldn’t let that happen. I knew if there was a next time, he’d rape and possibly kill someone.

In less time than I thought it would take, we pulled back into the compound. Tate stopped and let me out at the clubhouse. Everyone else was waiting for us there. Then Tate along with a few of the guys headed toward the woods. I knew they were taking Jonathan to the Cellar. Bull stopped and insisted on carrying me inside. We were greeted with cries of happiness and worry. Tears were flowing especially from Devyn. She ran over to me as soon as Bull set me down on a couch.

“Oh, Mom, I thought I’d never see you again,” she sobbed. I hugged her tight. This stress wasn’t good for her or her baby. I rocked her. Ace rubbed her back while Bull was plastered to me rubbing my arm.

“It’s okay, baby girl. I’m fine. He won’t hurt or bother anyone else.” Harley came over and hugged me. After everyone had a chance to check me out, I looked at Bull. His face was hard though his eyes were soft when he looked at me. I leaned into him and whispered into his ear, “When it’s time to start his torture, I want to see him.” He immediately frowned and shook his head.

“No. You don’t need to see him ever again. I’ll take care of it.”

“I know you will, but I need to do something of my own first. So, I can breathe easier. Please.”

I saw the struggle in his face and eyes. I waited. After several minutes, he gave me a slow nod. “Fine, but then you leave. I don’t want you to see what we do to him. I’d like for you never to see that side of me. I don’t want you or our kids exposed to that kind of shit.”

“I know, honey. I won’t ask for this kind of thing unless it is a direct threat to my children, and I take this as one. He threatened our unborn children and Devyn. I want him done.” There was steel in his eyes. I kissed him.

“We’re not going to deal with him tonight. I want to get you to the house and in bed. You need to rest. I’m still worried about the impact of the wreck and everything on you and the babies,” he said. After talking for a half hour with everyone, he excused us to go home. At the house, Bull took me to our room and then into the tub. As I was soaking, his phone rang. “It’s Bill.” he said as he answered it. He put him on speaker.

“Shit, sorry, Bull, I was in a double-feature movie with my wife and then we went to dinner. I forgot to turn my phone back on since I wasn’t on call. Is Jocelyn all right?” Bull explained what we’d found out at the ER. He congratulated us, then he told him what had happened afterward. Bill got quiet after he swore. “I’ll be out in a half hour. I’ll check her out.” We thanked him profusely. It would go a long way to relieve Bull’s mind if a doctor saw me. I knew Regan and Janessa could check me out—they’d offered—but nothing beat a doctor.

I sat there as Bull washed my hair and then my body. Rinsing me off, he lifted me out of the tub and then dried me off.

“Nick, I can do that, you know.”

“I know. But I want to do it. Just get used to it. I plan on babying you for a long while.” I sighed but smiled. I could see a lot of hovering in my future, but it made me feel loved.

Not long after I was dressed and resting in bed, Bill arrived. Ace let him in and showed him upstairs. Devyn was lying with me on the bed while Bull paced around the room. After a quick question-and-answer session and exam, Bill declared me fine. Bull’s shoulders sagged in relief. Mine did too. While he was there, he insisted on checking on Devyn. An hour later, he waved goodbye and reminded us to call if we had any questions or any issues.

Ace came and got Devyn, insisting she needed to rest. After they left, Bull showered and snuggled in the bed with me.

“I can’t tell you how scared I was,” he whispered. I rubbed his back. “I can’t live without you, Jocelyn. I want these babies more than you can know. I’m gonna keep you in a bubble for a while after this shit.” I laughed. Not long afterward, my eyes got heavy. I don’t remember falling asleep, I just felt warm, secure and loved.



I laid there watching her sleep. My gut still hadn’t fully settled. I’d told her the truth. I couldn’t live without her. I held her tight. Tomorrow would be soon enough to start dealing with Jonathan-fucking-Burk. I was looking forward to it.

The next morning, I let her sleep as long as possible. I’d gotten up early and talked to Terror, Tank, Ace, and Payne. Payne because he was my enforcer. He would be one of the main ones torturing Jonathan. I also talked to Harley. She called to see if Jocelyn was all right or needed anything. I reassured her she was fine and still asleep. Not long after ending the call, Harley showed up at the house. She insisted on cooking breakfast.

Devyn got up around nine. Harley shooed her into the living room. At nine thirty she had breakfast ready. I was about to go see if Jocelyn was awake when she came down the stairs. She looked so damn sexy with her sleepy look. She was dressed in shorts and a tank top. Her sexy legs were on display. I grabbed her and picked her up to take her mouth. I devoured her lips. She tasted so damn sweet.

We broke apart when Harley yelled, “Dad, you can’t do that in front of me! I’ll go blind. I’m trying to pretend my siblings were conceived by immaculate conception. I can’t think of my dad having sex,” she teased.

I threw her a smirk. “Well, too bad, baby girl. I can guarantee you they weren’t immaculately conceived. In fact—” I stopped as she covered her ears and began to sing la, la, la really loud as she grinned. Jocelyn was laughing at us along with the others.

Demon came in with Hunter and Emmie. They ran over to hug and kiss me and Jocelyn. All of us sat down as a family to have breakfast. Jocelyn didn’t eat as much as I wanted her to, but she explained her stomach was upset. I was hoping this wasn’t the start of horrible morning sickness.

After everyone was done eating, Harley and Devyn cleaned up the mess. We sat around talking for another hour. The kids were getting restless and wanted to go outside. I looked at the guys.

“Want to go to the clubhouse?” They knew I was really asking about going to the Cellar. They both nodded. Jocelyn and Harley gave us knowing looks. I tugged her up.

“Let’s go. Harley, why don’t you and the kids and Devyn go to the play yard? We’ll be there later.” She frowned but nodded. Devyn reluctantly left. The guys were looking at me and Jocelyn.

“I promised Jocelyn, she could see him before we take care of business. She needs this to bring closure. Let’s get this started.” They all nodded. I could see they were worried about her. Hell, I was too. She looked calm. I sent off a text to my guys while Terror texted his, then we headed out. I took my truck since Jocelyn was going with me.

We pulled up to the Cellar. A couple of the guys, Joker from my club, and Razor from Terror’s, were standing outside. They gave us a chin lift. We stood there waiting for the others. In no time, the other guys all pulled in. Thank God, it was a big space, otherwise we couldn’t have all fit in there at the same time.