I led her inside ahead of the others. Jonathan was tied to a chair in the middle of a huge open area. His chair sat over a drain. A chain hung from the ceiling above him. His arms and legs were tied, and his mouth gagged. It looked like someone had hit him in the face a few times. I looked at Razor and Joker. Joker shrugged and said with a deadpan face, “He was clumsy and punched himself in the face fighting us.”

I shook my head and grinned. I looked at Jocelyn. She had her narrowed eyes on Jonathan. He stared back at her. She looked at me. “Where do you keep your toys? You know, the ones you use to entertain guests out here.” This got several laughs and surprised looks. I took her over to the large cabinets along one wall. I entered a code to open them. Inside was almost every item you can imagine to torture someone with and some you couldn’t imagine. Some of the guys had been in the service and had learned unique ways to torture someone. She took her time looking over them.

Finally, she picked up a large pipe wrench. She hefted it. I waited to see what she’d say or do. She walked back to Jonathan. His eyes got huge seeing her with the wrench, and he started to struggle more. Jocelyn looked at Payne who was standing beside Jonathan. Menace, Terror’s enforcer, was on Burk’s other side.

“Take off his gag please.” Payne looked at me, and I nodded. He tore it off.

“Please, Jocelyn, you can’t let them do this to me,” he begged. She laughed without humor.

“I can’t? Why not? You’ve been harassing me for over a year, Jonathan. You tried to rape me.” His eyes got big. “Oh, I know it was you who broke into my house that night. You threatened me and my daughter. You took me and could have killed my unborn children.” Her hand dropped to her stomach. His eyes followed it, and his face turned pissed.

The true Jonathan appeared. “You fucking bitch! You fucked this old, dirty biker and let him knock you up? You could have had me. I’m better than this criminal. Those should be my babies you’re carrying!” he shouted. I stepped forward, but she held up her hand to stop me. He was truly obsessed and possibly insane.

“I would have never been with you, no matter if Bull was in the picture or not. I would never have been carrying your children. You’re sick. He’s a wonderful man who loves me to no end. And Jonathan,” she pauses until he looks her in the eyes again, “he rocks my world in bed every night like you wouldn’t believe. If that’s an old, dirty biker, sign me up any day.” The guys laughed, and she smirked.

Jonathan screamed, “Whore, fuck you, goddamn dirty fuckers,” as he jerked and tugged to get loose. He threw his head around like he was possessed. He screamed more profanities and was going wild to get loose. He was practically frothing at the mouth.

Jocelyn stood there watching. After he threw his fit for a good three or four minutes, she stepped toward him. He stopped. She held up the wrench.

“Do you know why I have this?” He shook his head no. “Because I want to see your pain. Oh, I won’t stay for it all or for your end, but I wanted to inflict a little of my own. You’re going to die, Jonathan, and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.” As she finished speaking, she swung back, holding the wrench with both hands and swung it like she was driving a ball toward a home run. It hit his left knee, and we heard the crunch as he screamed out in pain. She didn’t stop there. She hit his other knee and stepped closer. He was sobbing. His legs were tied to the legs of the chair which left them spread. She glared at him as she leaned down and dropped the heavy wrench right down on his crotch. He screamed in more agony and passed out. You could feel and see every guy in there wince.

She stepped back and spit out, “Try and rape someone now, bastard.” Then she calmly picked up the wrench and handed it to Payne, nodded to the guys, and walked out the door. I stood frozen. I couldn’t believe what she’d done. I shook myself and followed her outside. She stood by my truck. She was looking up at the clear blue sky. I hugged her. She sighed and laid her head back on my chest.

“I want to go to the clubhouse, Nick. Will you take me?” I told her yes. After telling the guys I’d be back, I put her in the truck and drove back. She was quiet on the whole ride. When I stopped at the clubhouse, I turned to her.

“Baby, talk to me. You’re worrying me. I knew I shouldn’t have let you see him. Goddamn it—” She held up her hand.

“Nick, I’m not upset that I saw him or for what I did. Maybe that makes me a bad person. I’m just relieved it’s over. I’m thinking about those other women we know he stalked. What if there are ones we don’t know about? Ones he may have raped. God, why didn’t I do something sooner? I waited, hoping he’d stop. It was stupid.”

I pulled her into my arms, running my hands soothingly up and down her back. I kissed her temple. “Jocelyn, you can’t take on the burden of what might have happened to women before you. That’s on him. I’m proud of you for doing this. Think of it this way, if you had confronted him and told Lloyd before we met, he would have most likely raped you and maybe even Devyn. It was meant to happen after you met me, so I could help protect you. Now, let’s get you inside to the others. I have some work to do. Then when I’m done, we’re going home.”

She nodded. I helped her out of the truck, and we went inside. The other women and the prospects were waiting. A couple of the Dublin Falls guys had stayed at the clubhouse to watch over the women as well. I left her to their tender care. I wanted to get back to see how Jonathan was doing.

Even though I’d only been gone less than a half hour, he looked like hell by the time I got back. They were making sure to inflict maximum pain without killing him. He could barely lift his head to look at me when I entered. He was looking out between slits. His face resembled hamburger. They had removed his fingernails, and I saw teeth lying on the floor at his feet. Numerous cuts were all up and down his body. They had removed his clothes after Jocelyn had left.

I went up to him. Payne handed me a pair of brass knuckles. I could beat him without them, but why do that to myself. I wanted him to feel it. Besides, these were a special set. They had sharp points on them. They puncture every time you hit the person, causing more damage and pain.

I spent a good forty-five minutes beating him. He passed out more than once, but the guys had the ice water ready to throw on him when that happened. I finally threw my knuckles to the side. I grabbed his head by the hair and lifted it up so he could see me.

“You’re going to hell for what you’ve done to my woman and all those others in the past. I know you had to have raped at least one if not more and never got caught.” His eyes flared and I saw the truth in them. The others did as well. As he looked at me, I shoved the blade Demon had handed me into his heart, and then I watched as the light faded from his eyes. When he was dead, I turned to the others.

“Get rid of the body. Burn him and everything he had on in the crematorium, then scatter those ashes in the fucking next county.” Payne nodded. I stripped and washed in the shower we had here for just this reason. When I was done, Terror and Ace left with me. I needed to get back to my woman and babies. It still amazed me I was going to be a father at fifty-two and not to just one but two.

Back at the clubhouse, she looked at me from head to toe. I moved across the floor to take her into my arms. I needed to feel and taste her. I consumed her mouth. I couldn’t get enough of her taste. I was lost in the moment until I heard several throats being cleared. I slowly pulled away to look behind me with my brows raised.

Everyone, including the women, were looking at me with amused looks on their faces. Terror grinned and said, “Might want to settle down there, Bull. We don’t want the kids to see how those twins were conceived.” Jocelyn blushed, and I laughed.

“Yeah, you just don’t want me to show all you guys up. Your women would be jealous as hell.” This got a lot of laughs and teasing going. Jocelyn pinched my ass, making me jump. I looked at her and whispered, “Time for that later, baby. Be patient.” She turned redder which made me laugh harder.

We spent some time with everyone before the Dublin Falls gang had to get on the road. I was hugging and kissing Hunter, Emmie, and Harley goodbye. They had already hugged and kissed Jocelyn. I saw Terror over there holding Jocelyn and whispering to her. She was smiling and nodding, so it must have been something good. Harley pulled my attention back to her.

“Dad, I’m so happy for you and Jocelyn. I was totally wrong about her. I can see how much you both love each other. I’m going to help her and Devyn plan the wedding. I told her if I know my father, he’ll want it as soon as possible.” I nodded in agreement. If it wasn’t for wanting to give her the wedding of her dreams, I’d marry her tomorrow.

“Thank you, baby girl. I appreciate it. You’re right, I want it as soon as possible, but I also want it to be whatever she’s dreamed about. I love her so damn much. I can’t even tell you how much. Now, get home safe. Take care of yourself, Terror, and my grandkids. Love you.”

“Love you, Dad.”

Terror came over to shake my hand and give me a half hug, slapping me on the back. “You got a winner there, Bull. See you soon.” We all watched as the whole lot of them pulled out of the compound. I turned back to Jocelyn. It was now late afternoon.