Page 15 of His Deluxe Service

Chapter Nine

It was Rob.

Of course, who else knew we were there? It made sense he’d alert the authorities.

But because it was my husband, the most good-hearted man in the world, even if he didn’t always show it first thing, he’d not only alerted authorities.

He’d quickly assembled a top-notch search and rescue team. They were like out of one of those military novels with the silly code names that have nothing to do with the book. Like “Razor One” or “Flag Down” or something like that.

Each of these hardened but professional mercenaries descended on the island and helped me, Anya, and Joseph make our way to the boat.

Joseph’s confidence faltered slightly at the size of the mammoth men his brother had hired to rescue us, but he still glared at me as we stepped onto the heavy ship that would bring us to safety, even in these massive storm waves.

He growled, quietly, at me as I passed him on the deck and headed below, saying, “The choice is yours.”

Rob was waiting in a tiny, cramped cot below deck. He had a blanket, a cup of cocoa he held out to me, and a deep frown.

Did he already know? The seriousness of his look disturbed me. Maybe he could tell by my eyes, the sweat on my skin, my hair?

But everything had been drenched in the rain. I was imagining things.

No, his frown was all affectionate concern. I sat beside him, trepidatiously, and he wrapped me in the blanket.

“I should never have left you alone. I didn’t know the storm pattern was moving that fast. I thought it would miss us,” he looked so angry with himself.

I cried. He held me tight, thinking I was crying at him for abandoning me. He apologized a hundred times and even went to get me more cocoa once I finished what I already had.

Once he left, his brother came stomping back downstairs.

“Enjoy it while you can, wifey,” he says, “Once he sees these photos, it’s all over.”

I was resigned. I asked him, “How long until I have to choose?”

He gave me one night. Tomorrow, he would tell Rob everything and hand over the photos, unless I acquiesced to one of the other two options.

One more night to be the perfect wife with the perfect husband.

It had only been one year. Not even one year. I couldn’t manage to stay faithful for even that long.

I cried, deeply, and Joseph went upstairs.

Rob passed him on the way down and ran over to me.

“What did he say to you? Why are you crying?” he asked, “I’ll go smack him around if he was being mean to you again.”

“No, no,” I blubbered out, and then I regained my composure.

I wasn’t going to waste my last truly happy night with the one I love with useless tears.

I knew what I had to do. But I wasn’t ready to do it yet. I wrapped my arms around Rob and hugged him tightly, and we whispered kind words to each other.

When we got home, he tried to kiss me, but I wouldn’t let him. I couldn’t. Not after everything that had happened and would happen.

He accepted it and blamed himself, which was the hardest thing.

We watched a movie and cuddled over the same bowl of popcorn. It felt like my last meal on death row. When the bowl was empty, I started crying again.

Rob picked me up and put me to bed, giving me one gentle kiss goodnight. I held him tight and couldn’t sleep at all.