Page 14 of His Deluxe Service

Chapter Eight

I screamed. I tried to cover myself with my hands. He looked down at my sweaty, dripping body and kept grinning.

“Joseph, I don’t know what you think you heard,” I tried, but he dragged a finger across his neck in a threatening, throat-slitting gesture.

“You’re dead, sister-in-law,” he said, “Hope you didn’t sign a pre-nup. Because once Rob gets wind of this, he’s going to dump your cheating ass.”

He looked toward the dressing room and gestured for me to go grab something to put on, which I hurriedly did. When I came back out, he was still waiting.

“There are a lot of things wrong with Rob,” he said, trying to feign being casual, except he was too happy to be casual. “One thing that’s not wrong with him. He’s no cheater. He’s run through girls, sure, slept with hundreds. But he’s always upfront about what they are to him. If he wants somebody else, he’s honest.”

“I am honest with Rob,” I said. I was starting to cry. How could this have happened? How could any of this craziness be real?

“Except you just banged your coworker in his private island utopia,” Joseph pointed out.

“I don’t know why, I wasn’t even sure what was happening,” I was crying now.

“You didn’t know what was happening when you licked her nipples? You didn’t know what she was doing when she was going down on you? How about when you were knocking your clits together and screaming each other’s names?” He waited, but I had no response.

How could I say anything now?

He continued, “Rob isn’t like some of those less progressive guys, after all. He’s not going to let it pass because it’s a woman. He knows this is real sex, just like if you’d gotten together with me. Which, by the way, gives me an idea of how you can get out of this little predicament.”

No. He wasn’t seriously about to suggest what I think he was suggesting, was he?

“Rob will never believe you over me,” I insisted, “So you can take your blackmail and shove it back where it came from.”

“I’d rather shove you up against a wall and take your shivering body through another couple orgasms,” he said, “Which you might prefer over the other option.”

“What’s the other option?” I asked, wiping my eyes. I had to stay calm. I had to talk him out of telling Rob.

“You have three options. The first one, I just mentioned. The second is I show these nice pictures of you and the Public Relations expert having your own private lesson on relations. I took photos of the whole thing.”

I gasped. I genuinely gasped because I could not believe the horror I had wound up in.

But I deserved it. I waited for the third option.

“The third option is you resign from the company and sell me all of your shares at a discount price,” he hissed.

I stepped back. “That would give you a controlling interest in the company,” I said, “You would effectively own ExploreR. You’d own your brother’s legacy.”

“I want to ruin his marriage, bang his wife, or drive his company into the ground. You pick which one,” he said, “I’m not choosy.”

“That’s horrible,” I yelled, “How could you do that to him?”

“He always thought he was better than everyone. Taller, smarter, stronger. I want to prove that he’s nothing. Besides his fake happy marriage and without his trashy corrupt company, he’s nothing,” he growled.

How could I pick? No matter what I did, I’d hurt Rob.

I knew what I had to do. I started crying as the realization hit me.

It was the lesser of three evils.

Joseph waited with an absolutely joyful grin, until we were interrupted by the stern, now dressed and recovered face of Anya Talova.

“A rescue team is here,” she said, “We’re evacuating the island.”