We make love several times throughout the night before we pass out with our bodies entangled in one another.



It’s been almost a month since Cooper went away and received that stupid picture. Thankfully we’ve moved passed it, for the most part. There are times when I still see Cooper’s insecurities come out, like when he texts me and I don’t answer or if I go somewhere and don’t mention it. He isn’t an asshole about it. He doesn’t yell or get mad. It’s more like he gets sad and worried like I’m going to leave one day and never come back.

He’s been busy at the gym training for his fight. Bentley won his fight in Boulder, so he’s been helping Caleb and Cooper train for theirs. Cooper has been insisting Bella visit every day and is home by her bedtime every night.

Thanksgiving is almost here and we’ve decided to fly to Florida to have Thanksgiving with my parents and brother. Kayla is flying with us, but will be spending the day with her family. Cooper’s mom has decided to join us tomorrow as well so it will be nice.

I’ve been feeling kind of queasy lately so I’m hoping I’m not catching something before Thanksgiving. That will surely ruin our trip to Florida.

We arrive at the Palm Beach Airport on Wednesday afternoon to find my brother waiting for us.

“Hey you! We could have taken a cab.”

He just scoffs at me and gives Bella a big hug, then shakes Cooper’s hand. We grab our luggage and head home. I’m excited to show Cooper where I grew up. Kayla catches a ride with us since she only lives down the street. Matt drops her off first and then we head to our house. Bella spots the beach across the street and asks if we can go swimming.

“It might be a little chilly, Angel, but we can head down later to at least walk along the sand.”

When we pull up, my mom and dad come out to give us all hugs and kisses before we make our way inside. As soon as I walk in, the smell of pumpkin and stuffing makes me stumble back. I put my hand over my nose and excuse myself to the bathroom. After throwing up everything in my stomach, it hits me that I’ve been feeling queasy a lot lately. I have also been extremely exhausted, and now I’m throwing up. I thought maybe I was catching the flu, but when I was pregnant with Bella certain smells made me feel the same way. Could I be pregnant? Before I tell Cooper, I want to get it confirmed. I don’t want to get his hopes up if it’s just a coincidence.

I give Cooper a tour around my house, including my bedroom where he laughs at the fact my parents have kept it the same since I left, and wants to know if I still have my cheerleading uniform from high school. Damn perv. Needing to get away from the smells that are making my stomach churn, I suggest we take Bella for a walk on the beach.

It’s beautiful outside here in the fall. Florida doesn’t really have different seasons and it barely even gets cold, but it drops enough in the fall and winter occasionally for it to feel nice. Today, it’s in the low seventies so it’s too chilly to go swimming but perfect for walking along the beach.

Cooper is walking between Bella and me, holding our hands, as Bella stops every couple feet to pick up a new shell. They all look the same but Cooper shows the same amount of excitement every time she shows him a new one. It makes me sad to think this time last year we were here without Cooper. This Thanksgiving I’m so thankful for Kayla making me go to that UFC fight. I can’t imagine Cooper not being part of our lives.

We decide to sit in the sand while Bella plays at the edge of the water. Cooper sits first then pulls me down in between his legs, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Thank you, baby girl,” he says, giving me a soft kiss on my cheek.

I twist my neck to look at him. “For what?”

“For everything… for giving me a second chance, giving me Bella, turning my house into a home. I’ve never felt so at peace.”

I don’t say anything. I feel the same way, but I’m suddenly so emotional. Pregnancy hormones?

“I’ve been thinking… After this title fight, win or lose, I’m going to take time off from fighting.”

“Cooper, you love fighting. Why would you do that?”

“I’m still going to run the gym, but I just want to focus on Bella and you. I’ve spent the last fifteen years fighting, and I want to take a break and spend some time with my girls.”