I want to ask if it’s because of the picture, but I’m afraid it’ll upset him. So, I just say, “Well, if that’s what you really want to do I’m not going to complain. But make sure it’s for the right reasons. Are you actually retiring?”

“I’m not saying I’ll never go back, but it won’t be any time in the near future.”

Thanksgiving is amazing. Cooper’s mom got in early this morning, and Kayla ended up getting into a fight with her parents so she’s here as well. Bella is chowing down on cookies and biscuits in the living room sitting on Cooper’s lap while the guys all watch football.

“Dinner’s ready,” my mom announces. Everybody makes their way through the lines of food spread out across the countertops and gather around the table. Sadly, my plate is a bit bare. Food I’d normally eat doesn’t seem to be appetizing at all, and I’m struggling not to throw up.

“Liz, don’t you want some sweet potatoes? They’re your favorite,” my mom asks innocently. I haven’t told anybody I suspect I might be pregnant so it doesn’t make sense why I’m not grabbing all my favorites. I take a scoop of sweet potatoes and plop them onto my plate, making sure they don’t touch my other food. Please Lord, don’t let me throw up all over my plate of food.

Before we dig in, it’s a tradition for everyone to say what he or she is thankful for. Bella begs to begin, so of course we let her.

“I am soooooo thankful for my mommy because I love her because she gave me my daddy.” Everybody oohs and ahhs around her, but she keeps going naming everybody around the table. “I’m thankful for my Auntie Kay because she is the best at painting my nails. I’m thankful for all my grandmas because they let me eat cookies. I’m thankful for my grandpa because he gives me a dollar every time he sees me. I’m thankful for my Uncle Matty because he always sneaks me bubblegum even though my mommy says I’m too little to eat bubble gum.”

Matt laughs out loud and says, “Kid, you aren’t supposed to tell people that!” She looks genuinely confused, not realizing she’s telling on everyone around her while saying thank you. Finally, she gets around the table to Cooper and says, “And I’m thankful for my daddy because he is the bestest daddy ever because he’s going to get me a puppy and a baby brother or sister. I really want a sister, but a brother will still be good.”

Cooper turns white as the entire table goes quiet, looking at him, and then we all burst out laughing.

“I squeeze his hand and whisper loudly, “Sounds like someone has been making secret promises to our daughter.”

He just nervously laughs. Everyone takes turns going around the table, saying what they’re thankful for, and after the final person goes, it’s time to eat. Of course, within twenty minutes, the food is completely gone.

Friday morning Cooper offers to keep Bella with him and the guys while the women check out the crazy Black Friday sales. While I’m out, I put a call into my doctor so I can make an appointment for next week to confirm if I’m pregnant. Nobody is in the office, so I leave a message with the answering service for someone to call me back with an appointment.



We had a great weekend with Liz’s parents in Florida. We’ll definitely need to plan another trip back soon, especially once it’s warmer and we can take Bella swimming in the ocean. It’s Monday morning and we’re at the airport with Kayla and my mom since we’re all flying back together. Liz’s phone rings and she glances at it nervously. Before it goes to the voicemail, she answers the call and excuses herself to speak to whoever it is on the other end away from us. Kayla raises her brows at me, telling me to chill out. Fuck, I’m not that guy. I don’t do jealousy and I sure as fuck don’t monitor who my girlfriend talks to.

Liz comes back over and doesn’t say who it was, but she looks guilty as hell. I know I have my issues, but I’m not seeing shit. My woman looks like she needs to tell me something but decides not to, so I let it go because I need to trust her and trust us.

We make it home and we’re all completely jet-lagged. The five-hour flight to and from Florida was no joke. On top of that, add an energetic four-year-old to the mix, and a three-hour time difference, and we’re done for.

Liz and I cuddle up in our bed with Bella between us and sleep for hours. I’m sure we’ll regret this tonight when Bella is wide-awake, but right now it feels damn good.