“That’s good. I’m glad you found someone perfect for you. And congratulations on having… Luna, right?” Minnie nods. “You deserve all the happiness in the world.” Then he shocks the shit out of me when he looks at me and continues. “I’ve met someone.”

I know I have to look comical with my jaw hanging open. This is confirmed when Bryan starts laughing. “Close your mouth, Lo, before you catch a fly with it.”

“When did you meet someone?” I demand to know, then fire off other must-know questions. “Where did you meet her? What’s her name? How serious is it?”

His eyes go back and forth between Minnie and me, before settling back on me. “She’s one of the volunteer nurses at the rehab facility. Her name is Cassy. We flirted some while I was still there, but nothing came of it. I didn’t want to start a relationship while I was getting better. Not to mention, me being there didn’t make me out to be a great guy. Anyway, the day I was released, she was there, and on a whim, I asked her out. She said yes. We’re taking it slow, but I really like her.”

I was up and out of my chair before he got the last word out. He stands just in time to catch me, his laugh strangled because of the tight hold I have on his neck.

“This is such great news, Bryan!” I exclaim, probably a bit too loudly since my mouth is right by his ear. But I don’t care, I’m just so happy. “When can I meet her?”

His grin is cheeky when he replies, “Actually, I was hoping you and Tegan could come over this weekend. I want to cook you both dinner. Cassy will be here as well.” He looks over my shoulder at Minnie. “You and your husband are welcome as well.”

Minnie smiles kindly at him. “Maybe next time.”

Her answer doesn’t surprise me. I think it’ll be a while before Minnie feels comfortable enough to be in Bryan’s life again. They have too much of a past for them to slip back into the friendship they used to have, even before they became an item.

Bryan looks back down at me and he can’t hide the disappointment. I know he just wants things to go back to the way they used to be, but it’s not that simple.

“Tegan and I would love to come next weekend,” I tell him, the prospect of meeting this Cassy sending excited jitters through me.

He lifts a brow. “Don’t you need to make sure he’s okay with it first? I know he still doesn’t care for me much.”

“Don’t you worry about him.” I wink. “I have my ways of talking him into stuff.”

Bryan releases me and groans. “Not something I need to know about.”

I laugh, and so does Minnie. We sit for a few more minutes and talk. It almost feels like old times, and it lightens my heart. I can tell Minnie is still leery and Bryan almost acts shy, but they are trying, and I’m grateful for that. It’ll take a while, but I’m getting my tribe back.

“I have something for you,” I tell him and pull the small box from my purse. Getting up from the couch, I walk over to him. He stands as well.

He takes the box I hold out to him with a frown. “What is it?”

I smile. “Open it and see.”

He removes the lid, then his hand freezes and his eyes fly to mine. Immediate tears pool in his eyes.

“Is that…?”

I nod, trying really hard to push back my own tears. “It’s yours. I have the others at the house, but I figured you’d want this one now. I’ll bring them when Tegan and I come for dinner.”

A tear trickles down his cheek as he takes the old watch that used to be our grandfather’s, then our dad’s. It was always Bryan’s favorite.

He looks back down at me. “Are you sure?” he asks hoarsely.

“Yes. It’s time it goes to its rightful owner. They were always yours.”

“Keep them for me until I get out of here and in my own place?”

I nod and he drops the box to the recliner behind him. With the watch still in his hand, he engulfs me in a tight hug.

“Thank you so much, Lo. Thank you for taking care of them for me. I swear I’ll never let anything happen to them.”

I kiss his cheek when I pull back. “I know you won’t.”

He wipes his eyes, a grin taking over his face. This right here is the man I always knew Bryan was supposed to be. Having him back is one of the greatest things in life, and I will always cherish it.

Later that evening, after leaving Bryan’s and having dinner with Minnie at a nice Italian restaurant, I’m just opening the front door when Tegan swoops me off my feet and strides right back outside. I’m living here now permanently; actually, I never left after I came to stay with him when we thought Bryan was a threat.