

Six months later…

I knock on the white door, then look over at Minnie standing beside me. She shuffles from foot to foot, both nervous and anxious. I’m glad she came along with me today. This is my fifth visit to Bryan. He’s been out of the rehab facility for a couple of months now and is living in a halfway house, and I think, in order for Bryan to really move on, he needs to face the other person he’s hurt with his actions. He’s apologized to me numerous times, until I told him I’d knock his teeth out if he didn’t stop. He hasn’t gotten the chance to apologize to Minnie, and I know it weighs him down. Not only for hurting her when he broke into her house, but cheating on her and pushing her away when he should have leaned on her instead.

I was worried when I brought the subject up that she wouldn’t go for it. I wouldn’t have blamed her. What Bryan did was unforgivable, but I had to try. I know she’s still hurt, so I think this may do them both some good.

Logan, on the other hand, was adamant she not come along. It took a lot of sweet talk and cajoling to get him to agree. He wanted to come along as well, but Minnie said it was something she needed to do by herself. He grumbled and still didn’t like it, but with reassurance from me that they won’t be alone, he gave in.

“Stop being so nervous,” I tell her gently when she lifts her hand to bite her nail. “It’s going to be okay.”

She drops her hand, but balls it into a fist, like she’s forcing herself not to lift it again.

“I know.” She lowers her head before lifting her eyes back to mine. “I just don’t know how to act around him anymore. It’s been so long.”

I reach over and grab her hand. “Just be yourself.”

Just then, the door opens and Bryan is standing there in dark gray sweatpants and a plain white V-neck shirt. His hair is damp, I guess from a shower. He looks like a whole new person from the one six months ago.

His eyes meet mine and he smiles. When he notices Minnie standing beside me, the smile leaves his face and is replaced by a pained expression.

“Minnie,” he breathes hoarsely.

“Hello, Bryan,” she responds hesitantly.

I give them a moment to take each other in, before saying, “Can we come in?”

Bryan jerks, like I just woke him from a daze, and takes a step back, opening the door further. “Yes. Please, come in.”

I look to Minnie, who seems to still be a nervous wreck, but is trying to pull herself together, and walk in before her. Bryan leads us over to a tan couch, and takes a seat on the edge of a recliner across from it. His eyes immediately go back to Minnie when he sits.

“How are you doing?” I ask, drawing his attention away from her. I brought her here for a reason, but I don’t want her to feel closed in by his gawking.

He reluctantly pulls his eyes off her and focuses in on me. “I’m doing great,” he says, smiling. “I’ve got a job interview later this week, and I’ve put in my application for a community college here.”

I grin big, happy to see him moving forward. “That’s great, Bryan! I’m glad you decided to finish college.”

He looks down at his laced fingers. “It’s all thanks to you.” He looks up and all I see is immense gratitude.

“You’re my brother. I’d do anything for you. I’m just so glad to have you back.”

He nods somberly, then looks back to Minnie.

“Minnie,” he calls and she looks at him, her throat bobbing. “I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done to you. I never wanted to or meant…” He stops, closes his eyes, shakes his head, then starts again. “I never meant to hurt you. You were one of the last people I ever wanted to hurt.”

When he moves to get up and go to her, she holds her hand up to stop him.

“I’m just glad you’re back. Yes, what you did hurt me, and I don’t mean you knocking me down.” At that, the pain on his face blazes bright, but she continues. “Just promise me you’ll never do that again. Promise me you’ll never put another woman through that. Promise me you’ll stay on the right path. That’s all I want, for you to be the sweet and caring Bryan I used to know.”

His eyes flicker to mine, then back to Minnie. “I swear to you, all that is in my past. I don’t want to be that man anymore.” He pulls in a deep breath, then lets it out slowly. “Is he good to you? Are you happy?”

Her smile is instant. “He’s very good to me. He loves me and treats me like pure gold, like I’m the best thing in his world.”

Bryan nods, and I’m pleasantly surprised to see the relief on his face. I know he still has feelings for Minnie, so I figured hearing how happy she was without him would be depressing for him. Not that he would want her unhappy, but I thought it would hurt him.