Page 58 of Room 452

He gives me a mischievous grin and then bites his lip in between his teeth as he scans me up and down. “Oh, I will.”

He turns and leaves me standing alone at the bar again, and so I go in search of my dad. I run into a few of my work friends and mingle around for a little while. My eyes keep wandering over to Sawyer though. He’s doing some mingling of his own. All of the female variety. Every time I find him though, it’s like he can feel my eyes on him, and he looks my way. I look away every time, but not before I notice his cocky smirk.

I finally find my dad, but he must’ve already had a few drinks because he doesn’t have a care in the world. I guess I don’t really need to check up on anything since everyone else is probably already to that point in the night as well. “Do you need help with anything?” I ask. Maybe if I have something to do I won’t be as distracted by Sawyer.

My dad laughs. “No honey, c’mon, go have fun!”

I smile back. “Okay, fine.”

I make my way back toward the bar. If I have any chance of letting loose, I’ll need a few more drinks. After I grab my drink from the bar, I turn to go find some people to dance with, but I run smack into someone.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” I say as I try to wipe the man with a napkin where I splashed my drink on his shirt.

I finally look up at the man, and he smiles back. “Good thing I wore black. No stains.”

Okay. Hello. Who is this? Mr. Melt your panties?

I give him a nervous giggle because apparently my brain turned to mush. I take in his black dress shirt with matching black tie that stretches across his muscular chest. It matches perfectly with his jet black hair and equally dark eyes.

He smirks back at my embarrassing display. “I have to ask. Are you Blake?”

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. “Do I know you?”

He smiles bigger. “I saw you across the room, and I had to know. After the way everyone has been talking about you, I knew it was you since you’re the most beautiful girl in this place.”

I lean back against the bar and laugh. “Oh boy, you are trouble. Let me guess. Sales team?”

He gives me a cocky smile. “Eastern division. I’m Logan.”

The eastern division is about three hours from our office. Not too far for a one night party, but not really realistic to try to start a relationship, so I know what he has in mind for tonight. I smirk back. “Ahh, our number two in sales. Should I be impressed?”

He bites on his lip, hiding his smile. “I love a challenge. Will you give me the chance to impress you?”

I take a sip of my drink and smile back. “Depends. Can you dance?”

He steps closer. “Why? Do you use dancing as a test drive?”

Wow. This guy is bold. I hold my hand out, and he takes it. “Lead the way.” I flirt back.

We are walking toward the dance floor when a hand reaches out and grabs on to where ours are joined. My eyes shoot up to Sawyer. He grunts at Logan. “Sorry, there’s a business emergency.”

Before I have a chance to even reply, he yanks me away. “What are you doing?” I shout at him as he continues to pull me away.

He doesn't answer and continues to yank on my arm as I try to keep up in my high heels, which is difficult because he’s walking like he’s on a mission. “Sawyer!” I try again.

He still doesn’t respond when he pulls me out of the main event area and into a hallway. I finally yank my hand away from him, and he whips around and stares angrily at me. His eyes burn so intensely back at me that it takes my breath away for a second.

Once I gather myself, I manage to get out, “What do you think you are doing?”

He makes an angry growl, and then he fucking steps toward me and leans down and then picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. “What the fuck!” I scream. “Sawyer! Put me down!”

He doesn’t listen. He walks down the hall and then yanks a door open and shoves me inside back on my feet in some storage room. The door slams back shut behind him. He whips back around toward me, and he looks even angrier than before. He stalks toward me until I am pressed back against the wall.

He boxes me in against the wall. “Did you really think I’d let Logan fucking Brandford take you home tonight?”

I open my eyes wide. “Excuse me? Let me? You don’t fucking let me do anything! I do what I want!”

He slams his hand on the wall behind my head in frustration. “You don’t fucking want him!”