Page 57 of Room 452

The door is halfway open, and I peek inside. Sounds like he is finishing up a phone call. He nods and smiles at me and motions for me to sit. I give him a half smile back, and I smooth my skirt down as I sit across from him.

I’ve been dreading seeing him, but he doesn’t even seem phased at all. He finishes his call and then smiles back at me. I was expecting to have some sort of conversation about what happened between us, but he jumps straight into business. I don’t know if I’m relieved or disappointed, but either way I know I made the right decision. The way he is able to pretend like nothing ever happened isn’t normal.

I stare back at him and start thinking about all the things that must’ve happened to him to make him be able to behave this way. Fuck. No. Stop it. Do not feel things for Sawyer.

We finish our meeting without any issues, and I stand to leave. “Good, I think we covered everything.”

I turn and start heading to the door when his voice stops me. “You going to the party with me Friday?” He asks.

I turn back around and look at him confused. “Why would I do that?”

He leans forward on the desk and smirks at me. “Because you want to.”

I bite my lip nervously. “I want no such thing.”

He leans back and reaches his hands behind his head. “So you won’t mind if I take someone else then?”

Fuck! Of course I mind! The fuck!

“No. Of course not. Go ahead.” I say and turn back toward the door before he can see right through me if he hasn’t already.

The rest of the week is torture. I can’t stop thinking about Sawyer. Every time he is talking to any girl in the office, I get all crazy and start wondering if he’s going to ta

ke her to the party, or maybe he’ll take someone from an account, or fuck, even one of his car fuck girls.

I tap my desk repeatedly, annoyed at myself. Everyone is leaving the office at noon today so they all have time to get ready for the party tonight, and I can’t get out of here fast enough. I want to bail on the whole thing, but I couldn’t do that to my dad.

Erin was on vacation this week, so she’s not going to be there tonight to be my buffer. I need to figure out a way to avoid Sawyer. I can’t handle dealing with him tonight.

Todd stops by my desk on his way out. “I’ll see you tonight?” He asks.

I smile at him, but really I want to tell him to fuck off. If he thinks I am giving him any attention tonight, he’s crazy. That ship has sailed. “Sure.” I say back noncommittally.

My dad stops by my desk and sees me looking irritated as ever. He gives me a concerned look. “Is everything alright?”

“Hmm?” I ask. “Oh, yes. I was just thinking about tonight.”

He smiles at me. “Why don’t you get out of here? I don’t think many people are still working.”

I smile at him and stand and kiss his cheek. “You’re probably right. Thanks. See you tonight.”


My car drops me off at the hotel a little later than starting time. I usually show up to these things early to make sure everything is going correctly, but my dad’s new assistant has been wonderful at coordinating so I’ve been able to take a step back and just enjoy the events lately.

Usually I’d find Erin right away, but since she isn’t here tonight, I head straight for the bar. I tap the bar while I wait for my drink. I feel someone approach beside me.

“Blake.” Sawyer says and then orders his own drink.

“Sawyer.” I say back as I take a sip of my drink.

He turns toward me and leans against the bar. “You look lovely this evening.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Thanks.” I say dryly. “Where’s your date?”

He shrugs. “I didn’t want to limit my options. I figured with over 500 employees here tonight, I’m sure I can find someone worth taking out to my car.” He says sarcastically.

I give him a huge fake smile. “Well, don’t waste your time on me then. Get to it.”