Page 48 of Room 452

I groan and pull my phone out of my pocket. Sawyer grabs his as well. “I’ll get the Uber. Now back to my original question. Your place or mine?”

I give him a death glare. “Neither. You were right. I just needed that morning fuck. Now I got it. You’re useless to me now.”

I turn around and pull up Erin’s number. Sawyer laughs behind me, but then he steps right up behind me. “Don’t think I can’t make you need me again at any moment.”

Fuck. I’m already there.

I press dial before I can change my mind and do something stupid like go home with him. The phone rings a few times and luckily Erin answers. “Hello?” She says over the loud music. “Hold on! Let me get somewhere quieter!”

She must walk out of the main area because the background noise quiets down. “Where are you guys?” She asks.

I bite my finger and mumble into the phone. “Uhh...we got kicked out.”

Erin doesn’t believe me at first. “You what?” She asks.

I pause again. “Uhh...yeah Sawyer broke into a supply closet. They made us leave.”

She still seems confused. “Where are you now?”

“Just right outside.” I respond.

She tells me she’ll be right out. A couple minutes later her and her boy come through the front door. “What the fuck happened?” She laughs. “This one is trouble.” She pushes at Sawyer’s shoulder playfully.

Her man, who I still can’t remember his name and it’s too late in the night to ask again, grins at us. “You were fucking in the supply closet?” He asks.

Him and Erin both laugh. They must’ve had more drinks since we last saw them because they are definitely drunk. Sawyer smiles at them. “No, we weren’t fucking.”

I turn to him, surprised that he’s actually denying it. I’m about to smile gratefully at him when he adds on. “Blake sure got fucked though.”

I swat at his chest. “You can leave now.”

Right as I say it, Erin stum

bles to the side, and I barely catch her before she falls. Sawyer raises an eyebrow at me. “Let me help you get them home.”

I blow out a breath because I know I can’t say no to that. “Fine. Get that Uber.”

Erin cheers as she stands back up. “Yay! Movie night at my house!”

The car pulls up a few minutes later, and we manage to get them into the back seat. I join them, and Sawyer sits up front with the driver. Our eyes keep meeting in the rearview mirror, but I pretend they don’t and look away every time. What the fuck am I doing?

We somehow manage to stumble our way up to Erin’s apartment. We all crash on the couch, and I push my heels off. My feet are achy from being on them all night. “I need a snack.” I say as I lean back on the couch.

Sawyer is the only one left standing, so I smile at him. “If you’re going to stick around, make yourself useful and get us some food.”

He rolls his eyes at me, but turns and heads to the kitchen anyway. A few minutes later he’s back with an arm full of junk food. Candy, chips, popcorn. I glance at Erin. “How do you stay healthy with all this in the house?”

She just giggles as she bites down on a piece of liquorice. I grab the bag of sour gummy worms and pop one in my mouth. Sawyer tries to sit down next to me. “Scooch.” He says as he pushes me to the side to make room for himself.

Since the couch is really only meant for three people, my body presses up against Sawyer’s. He reaches his arm around on the back of the couch behind me and grabs the remote for the TV. About halfway through the movie, Erin yawns and stands up. She grabs her boytoy’s hand. “We’re going to bed.” She says as she throws a blanket and pillow from the basket next to the couch at us. “Feel free to sleep here.”

My eyes are halfway shut, and I realize I have been dozing in and out for most of the movie. I glance at Sawyer and the small couch we’ve been sitting on. I can’t very well ask him to leave at this hour. Not to mention he had been drinking just as much as me.

I sigh and place the pillow up against the arm rest. I lean down and wrap my arms around Sawyer’s legs. He laughs. “What are you doing?”

I pick his legs up and move them up onto the couch, and then I lay down next to him. “Shhh...not a word. Just let it be.”

I shimmy back up against his chest, and his arm swings around over my waist. Wow, he feels nice. “Comfy?” He whispers in my ear.