Page 49 of Room 452

“Mhmm.” I say back. “Now shut your mouth and fucking spoon me.”

I feel him smile against my neck, but he listens to me and doesn’t say another word. His legs tangle up with mine, and I feel completely surrounded by him. For some reason, that doesn’t make me feel uneasy. The opposite actually. I feel as if I am perfectly safe. It only takes minutes before I am drifting back off to sleep.

Chapter 12

A pillow to the face is what wakes me the next morning. I groan as sunlight shines into my eyes. My body hurts in a bunch of weird places from sleeping on the couch the whole night.

Erin seems cheerful even though she was way more drunk than me last night. “What’d you do to Sawyer last night?”

I rub my eyes as I sit up confused. “What do you mean?”

She motions around the empty living room, and that’s when I realize he isn’t here anymore. I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know. He was here when I fell asleep. He must’ve left.”

That fucker took off again. Coward.

I reach for my phone to check the time, and I see I have a text message.

Fuckface: Don’t fucking think about being mad at me for leaving.

I laugh to myself before I read the rest of the message because that’s exactly what I was doing.

Fuckface: No more morning sex for you until I get my fair share. Don’t think I don’t know that trick. You’re fucking using me for my body.

I laugh harder because he’s such a tool, but then again, I guess so am I. Erin looks at me suspiciously. “What’s so funny?” She asks.

“Hmm.” I say, trying to act like I wasn’t just smiling at my phone. “Where’s your friend?” I ask, changing the subject.

She holds up two cups of coffee and nods her head toward her room. “Right where I left him.” She grins. “You sticking around today? I can get rid of him.”

“No, I’ll get out of your hair. You need some sexy time. Get enough for the both of us.” I respond.

She raises an eyebrow at me in question. “So no funny business went down on my couch last night?”

“Gross.” I laugh. “I’ll call an Uber now.”

She shrugs as she heads back to her room. “No rush.”

I stare back. “Please, I don’t want to be here while you are getting busy in there. At least finish your coffee first so I have time to leave.”

She laughs as she walks into her room. “I’ll text you later.”

I quickly grab my phone and order a car. It’s only five minutes away. I smile at Sawyer’s text again.

Me: Used. I used you for your body. As in past tense. There will be no more shares of anything for you. I don’t need you anymore.

My car pulls up a couple minutes later, and I hop in still in last night’s clothes. Erin lives close to downtown, so I’m sure the drivers around here get it all the time. My phone dings, and I pull it back out of my purse.

Fuckface: You don’t think I can make you need me again?


Me: That wasn’t a challenge. I was just stating facts.

Fuckface: The fact that you needed me before.

Jesus. Why did I use that word? Fuck!

Me: It wasn’t YOU I needed. You didn’t leave me any other options. Cockblock.