Page 42 of Room 452

She nods her head with extra enthusiasm. “Yes! He didn’t give me even an ounce of flirt back. I pulled out all my best moves too! He told me he loves you!”

I open my eyes wide. This girl really believes every word out of that man’s mouth. I give her my best smile and then we exchange goodbyes.

Sawyer is waiting for me at my desk, but when I approach, he grabs my hand and starts pulling me away. “What are you doing?” I ask.

He whips around in the empty breakroom and glares at me. “What was that?”

I raise my eyebrows to look confused, but I can’t help the small smirk on my face. “What was what?”

He steps closer. “You know what Blake! You did something bad. Don’t try to play innocent with me.”

I laugh. “Good thing you’re not my boss or you’d have to punish me.” I mock back.

He sneers back at me. “I don’t know what you said to that girl to make her act that way or the fuck why? Are you trying to blow this sale?”

I remain smiling. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“She fucking tried to kiss me, Blake!” He shouts back.

I can’t hold back and burst out laughing. “Damn girl, she went right for the kill shot.”

“See! I knew it! You did something!” He yells.

I hold my side. It hurts from laughing so hard. “Did she try before or after you told her you were in love with me?”

Sawyer doesn’t even crack a smile. “I still don’t understand why you did this.”

I give him a wicked smirk. “Maybe I wanted to see if I could trust you enough to not blow a sale for your dick.”

He leans closer to me. “You’d risk blowing our biggest sale of the year because you were concerned about my dick?” He asks condescendingly. “Did it really leave that much of an impression?”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself.”

My angry tone finally brings Sawyer’s usual smirk back. “If you wanted a repeat performance Blake, all you had to do was as-.”

I cut him off. “I don’t!” I shout. “And I never will.” I turn back around and stomp out of the breakroom back to my desk. I see Sawyer on his phone a few minutes later, and then he leaves for the rest of the day.


Friday morning flew by since I was rushing around trying to get everything done before the team building event this afternoon. We are all heading out in about thirty minutes to the winery, so I do a couple final checks to make sure I got everything done for this week that I was planning on.

Ben, one of the sales guys walks up to my desk. “Hey boss.” He says. Oh, I like him more already. He continues. “Sorry this is so last minute, but my kid’s school called, and my youngest is not feeling well.”

I give him a concerned look. “Oh, I’m sorry Ben. No worries at all. Go do what you have to do.”

Although many of the employees are dedicated to the job, there are some who live normal lives, and company policy is always that family comes first. Business will ebb and flow, but family is forever.

“Thanks boss.” He grins. “See you next week.”

“Have a good weekend!” I call out to him as he walks away, but then my eyes connect with Sawyer’s as he walks into the office. We don’t break eye contact as he walks in my direction, but I can see in my peripherals how all eyes are drawn to him. Men and women alike, he’s so fucking sexy that nobody

can deny taking a peek. Ugh.

I am actually really starting to enjoy working with the new team. I honestly wish I could do the team building event without him because I know now all my thoughts are going to be on him. It’s like I try so hard to convince myself that he doesn’t matter, but my brain always makes its way back to him again.

Finally, I look away and back at my computer. Since Ben bailed, we are going to need another person. The winery told me it can be for groups of six to thirty, but it has to be an even number of people.

I can feel Sawyer’s eyes on me, but I don’t look his way. Since Todd’s desk is right by mine, I stand and walk the few steps over to him. “Hey.” I give him a flirty smile. “We need a fill in today at the winery for Ben. You available?”