Page 41 of Room 452

He laughs. “Exactly. Our children are supposed to be better people than their parents. I hold you to a higher standard.”

I roll my eyes, but smile. “I’ll try my best.” I lean over and kiss his cheek. “I gotta get back to work.”

Chapter 10

Sawyer has been on sales calls most of the week, so I haven’t had to deal with him much. Todd has been super busy trying to get caught back up after being off for so long, so I haven’t had to deal with him either. I’m a boy drama free zone right now. It’s very refreshing.

I must’ve spoken too soon because I feel hands press onto my shoulders while I sit at my desk, and then Sawyer’s voice in my ear. “Act natural.” His voice rumbles.

I turn around and there stands the bubbly blonde from McCormicks. I still don’t think I ever caught her name. Sawyer gives me a fake smile. “Becky here was just dropping off the paperwork to finalize the contract.” Ahhh Becky.

Sawyer steps away. “I will go find an open conference room.”

Then he walks away, leaving me alone with her. Probably because he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep up the charade. Not with this girl and how obsessed she is with him.

Becky smiles at me. “So have you guys picked a date for the big day yet?”

I stand from my chair and smile back. “Not yet.” Then I get an idea. Sawyer put me in this position, so I might as well have some fun with it.

“You know.” I say. “I really want to give the relationship more time. Really see if Sawyer really wants to settle down.”

Becky gasps, but I’m sure inside is jumping for joy. “You guys seem perfect together.” She lies through her teeth. “If there were ever a girl to make him settle down, I’m sure it’s you.”

I fake concern. “Yeah, it’s just...well...if only there were a way to tell.” I pause. “Maybe if you... No, nevermind. I couldn’t ask that.”

She grins at me ear to ear. “Oh no! Please ask! I love helping people!”

I give her a nervous smile even though I don’t actually give a shit. “You think you could try flirting with him?”

“Me?” She asks surprised.

“Yeah.” I smile back. “I know Sawyer liked you before, and he says he doesn’t flirt with girls anymore, but there’s just no way to know, right?”

Becky gives me a concerned look. “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think he’d flirt with me.”

I give her puppy dog eyes. “Oh please! It would put my worries at ease.”

She finally gives in. “Oh okay.”

I clap my hands together. “Perfect! I’ll pretend I have a phone call to finish and you can go into the conference room with him first.”

This fucker isn’t going to know what hit him.

Sawyer walks back a couple minutes later. “Room five is open.”

I smile at them both. “I’ll be right there. I just have to return this call. You can get started without me.”

Sawyer narrows his eyes at me, but then he smiles at Becky. “Right this way.”

They both walk toward the conference room, and I decide to check some emails since I didn’t actually have to return a call. After I’ve given them enough time for Becky to get in full flirty mode, I stand and start heading toward the conference room, but Sawyer and Becky walk out before I even get there.

Becky turns to Sawyer. “I just want to quickly touch base with Blake. Thanks.”

He raises an eyebrow at me, but then he nods and walks away. Becky suddenly gets super giddy, and she smiles at me so big it looks like her face is going to crack. I try to hold back my laugh, so I give her a small smile back.

“Oh that man has it so bad.” She giggles out.

“Oh?” I ask.