Page 40 of Room 452

Fuck. That damn text again. “Hmm…” I try to play coy. “I had quite a bit to drink that night. I don’t think I remember what it said.”

He steps forward and whispers in my ear. “I’ll make sure to show you.” He says devilishly.

I step back and raise my eyebrows in surprise. Todd has never been this openly flirty with me. Fuck. What did Sawyer say in that text?

I smile at him. “Well, now that you’re back, you need to come to drinks with us on Friday. I missed last week

, and I could use a good time.”

A hand presses up against my back, startling me. I whip my eyes to the sound of Sawyer’s voice. “Welcome back.”

I immediately step forward so his hand isn’t touching me anymore, and I turn and stand next to Todd instead. Sawyer’s eyes connect with mine, and they are full of intensity, but I can’t quite tell what emotion he is feeling.

I scowl at him, but Todd remains friendly. “You coming to drinks Friday?” He asks.

My eyes shoot open wide, and then I narrow them at Sawyer, telling him he better fucking say no.

“Of course.” He grins.

I touch Todd’s arm. “Todd, have lunch with me. I want to hear all about your trip.”

He nods, and I walk away toward the breakroom to grab another coffee. At least I have an excuse to get away from Sawyer. Why does he have the need to fucking rub last weekend in my face? Like you had your fun, now leave me the fuck alone.

Someone walks in the breakroom, so I turn around and see my dad. “Hey kiddo.” He says.

I smile. “Hey.”

“Crazy what happened with the flights.” He says.

I sigh and lean against the counter. “Seriously, so much for team building.”

“Did Sawyer give you too much trouble?” He asks.

I swallow hard, trying not to give myself away. “ more than usual.” I keep it vague.

“Good.” He says as he refills his own coffee. “I booked an exercise for Friday for you guys. Local this time.”

“Oh?” I ask.

“Yeah, Blain’s Winery has a wine tasting team building class they do every Friday from two to four. I’m not exactly sure how much team building is involved, but I think the team will enjoy it.” He says.

I shrug. “You can’t go wrong with wine. Although, I don’t know if that’s just my basic bitch talking.”

My dad laughs. “I don’t even want to know what that means.”

I laugh too. “Did you send out a calendar invite yet?”

He nods at me. “You’re in charge of this team.” He grins smugly.

I narrow my eyes. “Not thanks to you, just joint in charge.”

My dad smiles. “Sometimes you need to make an executive decision even if you aren’t top dog.”

“I’d hardly call sending out a calendar invite an executive decision, especially when my dad slash boss is the one who organized this event for my team.” I say sarcastically.

He grins. “You’ve been doing great, but you’ve been lacking in the team building area because you are too hung up on avoiding Sawyer. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”

I groan. “Look who’s talking. You’ve barely spoken to the man. Father like daughter.”