Page 25 of Room 452

Me: What’s that supposed to mean?

I pull up to the McCormick’s corporate office thirty minutes later. I look around but don’t see Sawyer’s car yet. I check my phone again, but he still didn’t respond. I’m starting to get nervous about whatever he is planning on doing.

Me: I’m here. Going to head in. Please don’t do anything stupid.

I walk up to the building that looks like it is entirely made of glass. My heels click on the marble floor as I walk up to the reception desk. I smile at the receptionist. “Hi, I have an appointment with Roger Elway.”

She smiles. “Sure, right this way. You can wait in the conference room. I’ll let him know you are here.”

I sit down in the room with a wall of windows and a huge conference room table. I open my laptop to have any details ready that might come up during the meeting. The door pushes open and in walks a pretty blonde girl.

I smile at her, but I blink a couple of times trying to figure out where I know her from. She starts talking. “Would you like a coffee or anythin-.” She stops mid-word. “Oh my God! It’s you!”

I let out a nervous chuckle still trying to wrack my brain of how I know her. Luckily she continues. “Oh I’m so glad I could talk to you before Sawyer gets here.”

“Sawyer?” I ask confused, but then suddenly it all clicks into place. This is the same girl from the resort. I open my eyes wide when I realize. “Oh yes! It’s so good to see you again.” I lie.

She bounces up and down as she sits down. “I just wanted to tell you that I think your guys’ story is so romantic.”

I try to give her a smile without cringing. “Oh, well you know Sawyer.”

She sighs dreamily like she’s thinking about him. “Yes. When at first he wouldn’t return my calls, I was pissed as fuck, but then when I ran into him at that coffee shop, and he told me all about how he couldn’t bring himself to be with someone else when he was still so in love with you. Oh boy, it just melted my heart. I’m so glad you gave him a second chance! The man looked truly devastated.”

I feel like my face is going to break with how fake my smile is. “Yes, well the heart wants the heart wants I guess.” I try to change the subject. “I didn’t realize you worked here.”

She smiles just as bubbly as ever. “Oh yes. Roger is my step-daddy. I handle his administrative tasks.”

My face drops. Oh for fuck’s sake. As if on cue, Sawyer walks in. She grins at him so big I swear her face will break. “I’ll give you guys a minute while I go grab Roger. I just wanted to come say hello first.” She gets up and leaves the room.

The moment the door is closed, I stand from my chair and march over to him. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I open my eyes wide. “Is this the reason we didn’t get the account sooner? Because you couldn’t fucking keep it in your pants?”

He ignores me completely. “What are you wearing?”

I glance down at myself out of instinct. Then I glare back up at him. “Sawyer!”

He continues to ignore me and steps closer to me. “This is a sales call. You’re not a fucking lawyer.” He actually reaches forward and undoes the top button on my blouse before I can stop him.

“What the fuck!” I shout under my breath so the people outside don’t hear me.

He still doesn’t respond. “They are hardly going to believe you’re the love of my life looking like that.”

“Fuck you!” I whisper-shout back.

It doesn’t deter him as he reaches up and yanks on my hair tie. I try to stop him, but it’s too late as my hair tumbles down from the up-do I put it up in this morning.

“I will murder you.” I glare back at him.

The door opens, and he leans down to my ear as his hand presses against my back. “Smile darling.”

I put on my best fake smile even though I’m burning with rage on the inside. This motherfucker put me in this situation on purpose. Roger walks closer and shakes Sawyer’s hand. “Sawyer, so good to see you again.”

Then he turns and looks at me. “And you must be Blake.”

“Yes.” I smile as I shake his hand. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

He motions for us to sit while he walks over to the other side of the table. “To be honest, I didn’t expect it when I heard Sawyer had a girlfriend.”

“Fiance.” Sawyer interjects.