Page 26 of Room 452

I open my eyes wide and stare back at him. I kick my foot against his ankle, but he just turns and smiles at me like he’s in love or some bullshit.

Roger leans back surprised. “Wow! Congratulations! I’d love to hear that story.”

I reach over and grab Sawyer’s hand and link my fingers with his. “Yes honey, please do tell.” I challenge him.

Sawyer pulls our hands under the table but doesn’t let go. He runs his thumb up and down my finger and laughs. “Well, I guess what they say is true. When you know, you just know.”

I give my best fake smile, and he continues. “She of course said no the first couple of times, but I eventually wore her down.”

Roger busts out laughing, and I know enough about sales to keep this rapport going. I mostly keep my mouth shut while Sawyer does most of the talking. I interject here and there with more technical questions about our products or services, but honestly we could probably be selling this guy the dirt outside his office and he’d eat it up. Fucking Christ, it’s a whole new world watching Sawyer work his magic. No wonder he’s the best in the business.

We end the meeting with them purchasing a trial basis. I’m confident though that Sawyer will make it a permanent sale after the month trial, which that sale alone would beat last quarter’s sales as long as the rest of the team does close to average. Regardless though, I’m still fucking pissed that he threw me into this drama.

The moment we walk out of the building I put distance between the two of us, and I walk as fast as possible back to my car. Sawyer doesn’t seem to get the hint as he follows behind me. “Woah, what’s the rush? We made a great team back there.”

I whip around so fast that I slam right into his chest. I step back and glare at him. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

He pauses. “Okay...I can see you’re upset.”

“Upset!” I yell. “What the hell was that?”

He acts all nonchalant about it. “What’s the big deal? We made the sale didn’t we?”

I place my hand on my hip. “Even if I was okay with this whole situation, which I’m not. Like I’d ever date you.”

He cuts me off. “Marry.” He winks.

I pinch my lips into a thin line. “Even if I was okay with that, you didn’t think it’d be a good idea to give me a heads up?”

He laughs. “Why would I do that? You just told me that you wouldn’t be okay with it.”

“Exactly!” I scream and throw my hands up in frustration.

I turn back around to finish walking to my car. Sawyer’s voice sounds annoyed behind me. “Hey, I’m just giving you what you wanted. You want to break last quarter’s sales without me, be my guest.”

I turn back around again. “You really like people relying on you, huh?”

He bites his lip between his teeth as he looks me up and down. “I’d love for you to rely on me.”

I make a disgusted sound and turn back around. “I’m heading back into the office to put together the leads for the guys. Please don’t bother me unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

He calls out after me. “It’s a good thing daddy didn’t put yo

u in charge or I’d actually have to listen to that!”

I shoot my arm in the air and flip him the bird. I can just tell he has a dumb satisfied smirk on his face without even turning around. Oh well, like I said, this was a huge win today, so I shouldn’t have to do anymore pretend relationship sales calls with Sawyer. Although God knows how many scornful women he’s left hanging at all these different accounts. Let’s hope he is able to keep the peace with them until at least the quarter is over. I can do damage control once I don’t have to deal with him on a daily basis.

Chapter 6

The next couple of weeks don’t get any better. Sawyer never leaves me alone. He is always bothering me about useless crap. I know he’s only doing it because he can right now while we are supposed “partners” in managing the team. I can’t use Todd to distract me since he took a leave of absence the second day back. Some kind of family emergency in another state. He didn’t give me too many details, but he said he’d be gone for at least three weeks.

The worst part about these past couple weeks is that Sawyer always somehow convinces me that I have to be on a sales call, and at every one I am completely unnecessary. He flirts excessively at every appointment, sometimes with more than one woman.

I can’t help but obsess over whether or not he’s slept with any of these women before. He probably has with all of them. It shouldn’t bother me. It doesn’t bother me. It’s just annoying. I hate the way they look at him. It’s like he makes them feel like they are the most special girl in the world.

I know that’s the real reason it’s bugging me because he does the same thing with me, but worse, I let him. I let him make me feel like I’m important. The whole game from the resort. It makes you feel like all the other girls are just for fun, but that your game is somehow more important to him. It’s not though. They are all just games, and I’ve been playing his for too long.

No more though. The only way I’m going to stop though is to stop with all the bickering with him. I have to put all the shit he pulled before we hired him behind me. We have to move forward together as professionals. I can put my personal differences aside. At least while I have to work directly with him.