Page 18 of Room 452

“Where to now?” I giggle again as we walk back to the hotel.

“Your fucking room.” He says angrily.

I laugh again. “Your words are sexy, but tha

t tone isn’t really putting me in the mood.”

He glances back at me. “Good.” He grumbles. “Because you’re going to fucking sleep off this alcohol before I do something I’m going to regret.”

He pulls me into the elevator, and I laugh. “Like what?”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Like getting put in a Mexican prison for getting into a fight with a guy over a girl I don’t even get to sleep with.”

I smile at him as the elevator rides up to my floor. “Aw, you must really care about me then.” I mock.

He smirks back at me. “You fucking act like a little brat again when we’re both sober, and I won’t let you leave until you’ve been fucked back into your place.”

I giggle as I walk out of the opening elevator doors. “And what place is that?”

He follows me as I walk backward towards my room. “The place where you just regular-hate me instead of this driving me crazy, sexy hate me.”

I laugh as I stick my key in the lock. “You started this game, not me.”

He places his hand on the door frame and leans up against my back. “I’m not the one who snuck into your room in the middle of the night in nothing but fucking tiny little panties. Jesus.” He steps back and wipes his hand down his face.

I turn and cross my arms over my chest. “That would have been a sight to see.”

He smirks at me. “Don’t put ideas in my head.”

I laugh and turn and walk into my room. I try to close the door, but his hand stops it. “Oh no you don’t. I’m not leaving you until you are fast asleep.”

I let him follow me in. I walk into the bathroom and halfway close the door as I get out of my wet suit and into some pajamas. “You do know that I can just wake up after I fall asleep and invite one of the guys over?” I shout through the door.

I hear him laugh. “I have confidence that once you’re out tonight, you’ll be out for the whole night.”

I crack the door open and walk out in my pjs and plop down on my bed. I wiggle under the covers and Sawyer just stares at me. “So what exactly are you planning on doing now?” I ask.

He nods toward the bathroom. “I’m taking a shower.”

He walks into the bathroom, and I hear the shower water turn on, followed by his swim shorts being flung out the bathroom door. I roll my eyes and laugh. “You know I’m not about to sneak into the shower with you!” I shout from my bed.

His laugh echoes with the acoustics of the bathroom shower, and the sound is so cute that it brings a stupid grin to my face. No wonder this guy is so good at sales. I hate the man and I still find him charming.

He shouts back. “You better be asleep by the time I get out of here or I really will sneak into your bed!”

I smile and lay back on my pillow. My eyelids do actually feel heavy. I’m surprised I lasted this long. I glance at the clock and see it’s almost three in the morning. My eyes flutter shut, and I feel a heaviness come over me as I pull the blanket up my body more. I slowly drift off to the sound of the bathroom shower running in the background.

Chapter 3

I am jolted awake by my phone alarm. I reach over to my nightstand without opening my eyes, and I try to press a button until the noise stops. I groan as I roll away from the window that has the sun shining in. Fuck. I have the hangover from hell.

I finally get enough motivation to get up when I feel my throat is dry as a desert. I push myself up and walk over to the mini fridge and pull out a water bottle. I chug the whole thing in one go, and then I grab another one and walk back to the bed and plop down.

I look over to the clock on the nightstand and see it’s 11 a.m. already. Luckily, my dad always knows that the last night is usually the heaviest partying, so he always makes sure we have a late check out and a later flight.

I move my eyes down, and that’s when I see the note sitting on the nightstand. I pick it up as I lean back on my bed. I flip it open and read it.

Thanks for the amazing fuck last night. I’ll never forget it.