Page 19 of Room 452


I pause and blink a couple of times as everything that happened last night floods through my mind. I didn’t sleep with Sawyer. No. Fuck, I didn’t sleep with him, did I?

I move my eyes back to the note to re-read when I notice the P.S.

P.S. Turn the note over.

I quickly flip to the other side of the note to continue reading.

Fucking got you. I knew you’d second guess your memory from last because you were fucking trashed. Just like I told you you were every time you threw yourself at me last night.

I roll my eyes even though he technically was correct about me second guessing my memory, but that was only for a second. I would have come to my senses eventually, and I did not throw myself at him last night.

I check my phone and the first thing I see is a picture message from “Fuckface.” I groan as I debate on whether or not I should open this. I finally build up enough courage and brace myself as I click on the message to view the photos.

There before my eyes are about five or six photos of me completely passed out with my mouth hanging open all with Sawyer in a bunch of different poses. I look up at the ceiling and groan again. Oh c’mon! Can I not catch a break?

I quickly shower and throw on some clothes so I don’t miss the shuttle to the airport. I throw on a pair of sunglasses to block the sun, and I don’t even bother putting on any makeup. There probably wouldn’t be much of a point since I am sporting yoga pants and a baggy hoodie.

I throw my last few toiletries into my suitcase, and then I head out to the hall and into the elevator. I press the lobby floor, but it stops on floor four for people to get in. The moment the doors slide open, I feel annoyance enter my body. Fucking Sawyer.

He smirks at me as he enters the elevator. Somehow he doesn’t even look hungover at all. He stands beside me and glances over with just his eyes. “Rough night?” He asks jokingly.

I think I actually growl at him. “How the fuck are you in the elevator right now? Were you just waiting there all morning until I eventually came down?” I ask bitterly.

He chuckles. “The look on your face was worth the wait.”

I turn and face him fully. “I want those photos gone. As in no trace of them.”

He turns and cocks an eyebrow at me. “Make me.”

Before I can respond the elevator doors pop open, and unfortunately, the lobby is full of people, including people from the company since the shuttle is about to arrive for the airport. I try to compose myself as I walk away from him. Best to just avoid him so I don’t make a scene.

I see my dad and walk over to him. He smiles at me. “Hey sweetie, did you have fun?”

It’s not my dad’s fault I had to deal with Sawyer issues all week, so I smile back. “Of course! It was amazing!”

He nods his head over toward Sawyer. “I see you and Sawyer are together again.” He says the statement more as a question.

I groan. “The fucker won't leave me alone.”

My dad laughs. “There’s actually something I need to talk to you about. It involves the two of you.”

I open my eyes in surprise. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Before my dad can answer, his business partner Gary walks up to him, and they start talking about some business emergency. I can tell it won’t be a quick matter, so I grab my suitcase and wheel it over to the shuttle that just pulled up.

I take the first seat so that I don’t have to wait for everyone to get off the shuttle when we get to the airport. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the seat. I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep, but closing my eyes helps ease the headache throbbing in my skull.

“How’s that head?” I hear Sawyer’s voice in my ear.

I pop my eyes open and glare at him from behind my sunglasses. “No. No way! Go find another seat!”

Instead of listening, he gets comfy in his seat. “Oh c’mon buddy. Don’t be like that.”

I am not letting

his charm get to me today now that I’m sober. “You are not my buddy.”