Page 12 of Room 452

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Why what?”

He leans his forearm up against the door frame. “Why do you really hate me? You know how the business works, but you’re taking it personally. Why?”

I huff out a breath. “That’s not how we do business. You played dirty. My family already had enough going on with-...” I pause because that’s none of his business.

He looks over my face like he’s trying to read me. “This is about your mom?” He asks like it’s no big deal.

“That’s none of your business.” I cross my arms across my chest. I don’t know how he heard about my mom, but I certainly am not going to confirm it’s true.

He laughs bitterly. “Seems like it is my business since you are somehow blaming me for Mommy’s drug problems.”

I open my eyes wide. “How dare you.”

Sawyer drops his usual player smile and actually looks angry for once. “Fuck you Blake. You’re not the only person in the world with problems.” Then he turns and walks away.

I stare at the open door frame where he was just moments ago with my mouth hanging open. What in the world just happened? And why do I suddenly feel like the asshole?

I slam the door shut and set my breakfast on the desk and plop down on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling and let out a frustrated s

cream. I need to stay away from the man. He’s messing with my emotions. I need to avoid him for the rest of this trip.


I was able to stay away from Sawyer for the next few days. Most likely due to him not constantly chasing me down since our little scuffle at my hotel room door. I’m still not exactly sure what I said to upset him so much, but he’s kept his distance since then.

Of course I still see him every night at whatever work activity the company had planned, which since my dad helped plan, it is mostly food, music, dancing, and definitely booze. Sawyer still gives me those sexy smirks like he knows all my secrets whenever our eyes connect from across the room, but he hasn’t tried talking to me.

I don’t know why our eyes connect so often though. Well, actually I do, but I don’t know why I can’t stop myself from continually seeking him out all the time. I try to convince myself that it is only because I’m bored.

Todd had to leave on day two because there was an emergency with his dog at home. He texted me that she was fine, but he wasn’t about to pay for a flight back after he already missed two days here. There wouldn’t be much point.

Compared to the first day here, the rest of the trip has been pretty drama free, which should be a good thing, but it’s like I live for the excitement or something because I’m going crazy while Sawyer ignores me like this. I don’t know if he finally got tired of me or if he’s playing another one of his games to make me obsess over him, which is obviously working if that’s the case.

The week has been fine. I laid out by the beach, had some drinks, did some water sports, but I guess because I thought Todd and I were going to get freaky the whole week, I feel like I’m losing my mind. I need to get laid.

Since it’s the last night here, we all went to the public nightclub instead of the employee-only event halls we had rented the rest of the week. I already decided I’m going to find the first hot vacationer or local and take them back to my room tonight. It’s not like I’m in a relationship with Todd, so I’m free to do whatever I want.

I made myself the designated shot girl tonight, starting with my dad so he gets drunk enough to not question my actions tonight. “Here dad!” I hand him the shot glass and we both throw one back.

I turn to my other work friend Erin. “Here girl! We’re getting drunk tonight!”

She throws hers back while I take my second one. Erin is pretty much my best friend since I don’t really do much outside of work. I love how we both can have our own lives and do our own thing. Sometimes we won’t hang out for a month and then we’ll spend five days straight together. I can’t handle friends that need to see you all the time. Sometimes I just need my space.

She adjusts her too short dress. “Cheers to our last day in paradise. May we both get trashed and find a hot guy to shag.”

I laugh and click my mixed drink up against hers. I’m already feeling the buzz from my first two shots. “That’s the plan.”

She turns and looks at me. “What’s been going on with you and Sawyer this week?”

I whip my head toward her. “What are you talking about?”

She grins and wiggles her eyebrows at me. “Oh come on! He’s been giving you that look all week ever since you guys had that dance on the first night. Oh my God! Did you hook up and not tell me?”

I laugh again. “What look? And are you crazy? I’d rather sleep with Gregg in accounting than be anywhere in the vicinity of Sawyer.”

She cringes. “Gregg. Oh gross. Your hatred for Sawyer runs deeper than I thought.” She jokes.

Billy, our other co-worker, walks up to us. “I heard I missed the shots. What’s up with that?”