Page 11 of Room 452

He runs his fingers through his hair and scratches the back of his head. “About last night.”

I glance down at the ground and then back up at him. “Can we just forget about last night? I had a lot to drink, and I wasn’t quite myself.”

He lets out a relieved breath. “Yeah, me too. I shouldn’t have just stopped by like I did. It’s just...well, when you sent that text, I couldn’t help myself.” He smirks at me.

I try to play coy since I still have no idea what Sawyer texted him. “Hm...what text?” I ask, hoping he’ll reveal what I supposably said.

Todd just smiles back at me like he thinks I’m pretending I don’t remember when really I have no idea. He leans his hand on the buffet and gets closer to me. “I hope you don’t want to forget everything about last night. There was a certain kiss I very much remember.”

I actually giggle. “I don’t know. You might need to remind me.”

Suddenly I get pushed back a step. “C’mon guys. You’re hogging all the fruit.”


I can already feel myself fuming. “Do you mind?” I ask angrily.

He looks over at me and then back at the buffet. “You’re the one standing in the way.”

“We were in the middle of something.” I snap back.

Sawyer pops a grape in his mouth. “And now I’m in the middle of you guys.”

I go to step around him, but Todd speaks up. “It’s alright. I’m meeting Keith now. We’re doing jet skis this morning. I’ll catch up with you later?”

I give him my best smile. “Yeah, call me.”

He walks away, and I turn my eyes back to Sawyer and glare at him. “You’re such a cockblock.”

That seems to make him happy, so I roll my eyes and turn to finish scooping my breakfast so I can get out of here. He steps closer to me. “If it’s just cock you want, I’ll be happy to oblige.”

“Leave me alone, Sawyer.” I grumble as I walk over to the mini fridge to grab an orange juice.

He follows me into the hall as I leave the breakfast area. “So how’d it go last night?”

I don’t bother turning to look at him. “Hm...oh you mean with Todd? Oh yeah, he was amazing.”

I take the stairs since I don’t dare risk being stuck in the elevator with Sawyer again, but that doesn’t deter him and he follows behind. He laughs at my attempt to lie. “You weren’t with Todd.”

I glance back at him. “How would you know? Did you plant cameras in my room while you were shooting your porno?”

He smirks at me. “You watched it while you were finishing, didn’t you?”

I walk faster up the steps, and now I’m winded as I reach my floor. I push through the door angrily. “Trust me. If I was doing that, which I wasn’t, you’d be the furthest thing from my mind.”

I insert my keycard into my room and try to shut the door in his face, but he stops it with his hand. I glare at him, but he just smirks back. “I know you were thinking about me. It’s why I didn’t respond last night, so you could have some hate-fucktime with your hand.” He leans closer and lowers his voice. “I imagine you came real hard after you and that cute little angry face of yours thought of every possible way to murder me.” He bites down on his lip as his eyes travel down my body.

I try to keep my face neutral. “Yeah, well that’s exactly what it was. Your imagination. You don’t know anything about me.”

His eyes brighten like he gets more joy every time I try to deny it. “I know you want me.”

I give him a disgusted face. “That’s the opposite of what I want. I can’t stand you. I want you gone.”

He smiles back. “Tell me how you really feel.” He says sarcastically.

“I hate you. Now leave me alone. We both know why you’re here. Let’s not pretend to be friends. You do your job and I’ll do mine.” I try closing the door again, but he stops me.

“Why?” He asks.