Page 34 of Screwed

He smiles as he sees the photo of a younger me with my grandparents and I let him step closer as he looks at the other photos that I have hanging up. He grins at one of the ones of me and Madelyn together. We’re making funny faces at the camera. We were trying to make my grandma laugh.

“You two have always been close then?” He asks as he sets the pizza down on the kitchen counter and I nod.

“Yeah, we met in kindergarten and have been best friends ever since.”

“That’s cool.”

“Do you have any friends like that?” I ask as I grab two wineglasses from the cabinet.

“Yeah, I have a friend named Yates. We met in elementary school when he moved to New York. We’ve been best friends ever since but I don’t see him that much. He travels a lot but he was actually just talking about finding a place around here to settle down a bit.”

“That would be cool. You’d be able to see each other more.”

He nods and takes the wineglass that I pass to him. He lifts his in the air before I can take a drink and grins at me.

“To being closer to those we like,” he says with a sly grin and I laugh and clink my glass against his.

He takes a step closer to me as I take a sip and I watch him as he inches another step closer to me.

“What are you doing?” I whisper when he’s pressed up against me.

“Getting closer,” he whispers back.

I set my glass on the counter and turn back to him as his lips land on mine. I smile as they move over mine. There’s none of the rushed excitement from the other night. Now it’s more of an unhurried exploration.

We’re savoring each other.

I can’t decide which way I like best.

“Want to see my bedroom?” I ask him and he grins.

“I think that it’s only fair. I showed you mine.”

I take his hand and lead him down the short hallway to my bedroom. I picked up today and even dusted. I’m not sure why I bothered with it. Arlo never takes his eyes off of me.

“So this is my room. This is where I sleep,” I say, stepping closer to the bed.

I’m acting like a dork but Arlo just grins. I feel like I can be myself around him. I know that he’s not judging me, that he thinks I’m amazing no matter what I say or do.

“This is where you dream then, huh?” He asks, taking a step closer to me.


“What do you dream about?” He asks, his voice coming out lower now.

“Let me show you,” I say.

His eyes light with interest and I grin as I take a step closer to him. I think that he’s expecting me to kiss him but that’s not what I have planned.

He went down on me the other night and I’ve been wondering what it would be like to return the favor.

I drop to my knees as he reaches for me and his eyes darken more as I reach for the zipper of his jeans. I reach inside, stroking his hard dick with my fingertip before I push his pants and boxers down his legs.

His thighs quiver as I wrap my fingers around him and I look up at him, meeting his eyes as I lean forward, my tongue flicking over the tip of him.

His head tips back on a groan and I grin. I love how bold I am around him. I love seeing him like this and knowing that it’s me who is having this reaction from him.

I open my mouth, wrapping my lips around the tip of him and trying to take him into my mouth. I only can get about half of him, but Arlo doesn’t seem to mind. He groans when I wrap my hand around his remaining inches and start to stroke him in tune with my mouth.