“I guess I should let you go!” I interrupt them.
“No, no. Do you think that you guys are going to do anything tonight?” Madelyn whispers.
She knows that I’ve never been with anyone, dating or sexual.
“We actually did the other night,” I admit.
“What!?” She shouts and I shush her.
I don’t want Flynn to hear. It’s embarrassing enough that I was a twenty-five-year-old virgin with no prospects on the horizon.
“On the first date! Way to go, Iris!”
“Oh my gosh,” I groan.
“How was it?” She whispers conspiratorially.
“Good. Really good,” I admit with a wide grin.
She squeals and I’m glad that I put her on speakerphone. If I had the phone against my ear, I feel like she would have blown my eardrum.
“I want all of the details.”
“He’s going to be here soon,” I tell her, checking the clock on the wall.
I only have twenty more minutes and I still need to finish cleaning and getting ready.
“Okay, but tomorrow night you tell me everything.”
“It’s girls’ night. Do we know what we’re doing this week?” I ask her.
“We were going to suggest going to The Fainting Goat so that you could see Arlo but if we’re going to be talking sex, then maybe we should do it somewhere more private. I’ll text Sutton and Lyla and see what they want to do.”
“Sounds good. I’ve got to go but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Have fun!”
I hang up and wipe down the TV stand before I survey the house. The kitchen and living room are clean enough now and I start to relax.
Should I clean up my bedroom?
Do I want to sleep with him again?
I finish tidying up the living room and head into my bedroom. Luckily for me, it’s pretty clean. I hide my hamper in the closet, making sure that the door is closed to hide the mess.
The bathroom is unfortunately not as clean and I rush to throw hair care products and my toothpaste into the drawers of the vanity. I’m just wiping down the counter when there’s a knock on the door and my heart takes off like a shot.
“Just a second!” I call as I check my reflection in the mirror.
My face is flushed and there’s a slight sheen of sweat on my forehead from running around for the last forty minutes. My red hair has started to fall out of my ponytail and I take it out, letting the locks hang loose around my shoulders.
I splash some cold water on my face in the hopes that it will help but all it does is get my hair wet. I groan as I try to dry my face and hair off. I put it back up into a ponytail and hope that it’s not noticeable as I head to the front door.
“Hey!” Arlo says as I open the door for him.
He’s carrying two pizza boxes and a bottle of wine and I hurry to take something from him. He steps inside, dropping a kiss on my lips as he passes me. I close the door and turn to see him checking out my place.