“Good,” he whispers when he pulls back and I grin.
“Want to come back to my place tonight?” I ask.
I’ve never been this bold with anyone in my life but I feel confident around Arlo. I want to make up for lost time.
“Yes,” he says simply, no hesitation, and I grin.
I lean up on the bar, offering him my mouth, and Arlo meets me halfway. His hands land on my waist and he encourages me to climb on top of the bar fully. I break the kiss and swing my legs over behind the bar and Arlo grabs my knees, spreading my legs wider so that he can fit his hips in between.
Then his mouth is back on mine.
I love being able to feel him pressing against me. His hands grip my hips, tugging me toward the edge of the bar and I moan into the kiss as I wrap my legs around his waist and tangle my fingers in his soft brown hair.
“Love having you pressed up against me,” he whispers against my mouth and I can only hum my agreement as he starts to kiss his way down my neck.
I’m wearing a flowy tunic over a pair of leggings and the thin straps give him plenty of access to me. He groans as his hands slide up my sides and he cups my breasts in his hands.
“So beautiful,” he murmurs against my skin and I arch into his touch.
I want his mouth on me. I want all of him on me.
His mouth claims mine again as his fingers push one thin strap off of my shoulder. It droops on my bicep and I grin.
I like where this is going…
“I think I would like sex like this,” I whisper seductively against his lips and he grins.
“Oh yeah?”
“Uh-huh. I could wrap my legs around your waist and my hands around your shoulders. Like this,” I say and his hands go to grip my waist as his eyes heat with lust and interest.
“You’re so smart,” he says as I press my breasts against his chest and I giggle as his mouth finds the sensitive spot beneath my ear.
I wiggle my shoulder, trying to get the other strap of my top to drop too so that I can push it to my waist. It’s right at the edge of my shoulder and I start to pant as I think about Arlo’s hands and mouth on me.
I’m so turned on already and we’ve only been kissing.
“Hey, Arlo? You still here? I… oh!” Comes a voice behind us and I jerk away from Arlo in surprise.
I jump down off the counter and turn to face the newcomer. It’s the guy from Arlo’s apartment, his brother, and Arlo and I both seem to stiffen at the sight of him.
I wonder why he seems tense, but when I peek down, I can see that the front of his jeans is tented with his erection and I bite my lip.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” he says, giving me a lazy smile.
“No problem. I was just leaving.”
“Wait,” Arlo says but I’m already heading out from behind the bar.
I grab my purse from where I left it on the stool by the bar and turn back to Arlo.
“It’s okay. I’ll see you later,” I tell him.
He frowns and I know that he doesn’t want me to leave.
“See you back at your place?” He asks and I glance over to the other guy before I look back to him.
“Yeah. Let me know when you’re on your way.”
“I should walk you to your car,” he says and I wave him off.
“It’s okay. I’m just across the street.”
He wants to argue with me but I turn and push out the front door before he can. I don’t know what it is about Arlo’s brother that gives me a bad feeling but I don’t like being around him. He makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I just have this feeling in my gut that he’s bad news but I can’t pinpoint why.
Maybe it was just embarrassment from being caught dry humping Arlo out in public like that. Or maybe it’s just because he keeps popping up when I’m not expecting him or anyone to be there and he catches me off guard.
I try to shake off the weird feeling as I climb into my car and head down Main Street back to my house.