“Well, I’m glad that you came.”
He gives me that smile that I love and I relax more, leaning on the bar top.
“What can I get you guys?” He asks and we order a round of martinis.
We find a booth along the back wall and I sit so that I can still see Arlo behind the bar. We keep locking eyes from across the room and I smile wider and wider each time our eyes meet.
I’m finally seeing what all the fuss about love is. Whenever friends used to go on and on about guys that they were seeing or crushing on back in high school, I always kind of rolled my eyes.
I didn’t get it, but now I do.
I feel giddy when I’m around him. Like there are bubbles popping in my veins every time I’m near him. All of those love songs and movies where colors are brighter or food tastes better were spot on. I feel like I’ve finally been let into some exclusive club and I love it.
The girls and I get another round and settle into the booth more. I try to pay attention to the conversation between my friends instead of Arlo.
I fail.
“Last call!” Arlo calls and I bite my lip.
I didn’t realize that it had gotten so late. I don’t know when I decided to stay until he had closed up, but now that it’s time, I’m antsy. I shift in my seat and Madelyn gives me a knowing smile.
“We’re going to head home. See you tomorrow?” Madelyn says and I nod.
I give each of them a hug and I’m about to offer to walk them out to their car when Flynn, Teller, and Hudson appear beside our booth.
I’m not surprised that they all came. I’m more surprised that they waited this long to come get their girlfriends.
“We thought that we’d find you here,” Teller says as he offers Sutton his hand.
“Want us to walk you to your car?” Hudson asks and I shake my head.
“I’m going to wait for Arlo, but thanks.”
They wave and I head up to the bar and lean on the counter there as Arlo wipes down some glasses.
“How was girls’ night?” He asks me and I smile and rest my chin on my hand.
“It was good. They asked me about you,” I tell him.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. They wanted to know if we were exclusive.”
Arlo stops and looks up at me. There’s a strange vibe coming off of him and I think that he might be holding his breath as he waits for me to go on.
“What did you say?” He asks as the last customer stumbles their way out of the bar.
“I said that I wasn’t seeing anyone else.”
“Me either,” he says in a rush, his shoulders dropping in relief. “I don’t want anyone else.”
I smile, feeling bubbly at his words.
“Me either,” I whisper and he leans over the bar, claiming my mouth with his.
His lips meet mine and I wonder if he can taste the martini on my mouth. I try to lean closer, the wooden edge of the bar digging into my stomach and I wince when it presses against my rib.
Arlo pulls back and I sigh. The kiss is over way too quick for my liking but we do have the bar between us and leaning on it isn’t the most comfortable way to be kissed so I let him go without a fight.