Page 5 of Something Old

Chapter Three



For several seconds all I can do is meet her stare with my own. Silence hangs over the room like a thick curtain. The ice I was putting in my glass is all but forgotten. She just stopped my world from spinning with two little words. I take in her appearance - really look at her. She looks tired, has looked tired for a little while now. I was selfishly hoping it was because she was going through hell like I was and that we would get it all worked out and I could make sure she got rest after we had hot make-up sex.

Now, everything is different.

She is the one to finally break the thickening silence, "I'm you don't have to chase after me anymore. You can go back to your wife because...., it's not...,"

I stop her before she can say something that is going to piss me off. She won't meet my eyes and she keeps swallowing repeatedly like her own words are something she can't swallow. I set the glass down and move closer to her.

"There are clearly some things we need to clear up before you go any further." The closer I get to her the more I can see the look cross her face - she's going to try to run. "Don't do it."

I give her the only warning I'm going to give.

"You were worried about me lifting you around the waist earlier." I see her all but deflate. Then she squares her chin in a look I've come to not just love but admire the hell out of. "I've had you under me...," pink hits her cheeks and travels down to the rise of her breasts that look bigger than before, "I'm going to know if you lie to me."

"I tell you this so you know not to lie to me. Not about this." Her nostrils flare at my barely veiled threat, "I have had someone watching you from the moment you left my bed."

She pales even more than she did when I warned her not to lie to me. For a second I feel bad about having to do this but it is something that needs to be done.

"I took your cherry and no other man, other than your very platonic roommate who has a crush on your sister, has been anywhere near you. I've made sure of that." I almost killed one of the male models that thought he could swagger his way into her life after she was with me. "So unless it was an immaculate conception, which I doubt very much, that baby is...MINE!"

Fear lights her eyes and despite all the warnings I've given her she takes off running. It's just fear that drives her. I understand that but the animalistic part of me doesn't understand that at all. It rises to the fore and gives chase - after the thing that belongs to it.

I catch her high around her middle, making damn sure not hold her too tightly or too low, and pull her back to me. I nestle my mouth right by her ear, so I don't have to speak loud to say what needs to be said. "You suck at even trying to lie, angel." She really is too good for her own good. "You won't look me in the eyes and you've been heavy breathing since you even thought about lying to me. Not to mention you're sweating and twitching."

Now that she's still again I turn my arm so that my hand can lay over the spot our baby is growing in. With my other hand, I take her chin in between my finger and thumb and turn her head towards me before I speak again. "I have never, nor will I ever, be married to anyone...except you."

Her legs grow weak and go out from under her but luckily, she has me to help hold her up. She sags against me, letting me take all of her weight. So many emotions fly across my little model's face so quickly it must be hard for her to latch onto just one to speak about. "But...," a look of betrayal flashes in her warm honey-colored eyes, "but...," she tires again.

"But I heard you. You said...," she breaks eye contact with me but I won't have that and take her chin in mine again so she has to look at me, "I came to see you...the next day - at your office."

Her words are clipped and she slings them at me like they explain everything. A smile flits across my face. Why didn't my security tell me she was in the building? "You did?" She didn't ghost me after all? She came to me.

She doesn't smile and tries to pull away from me. "You were in your office talking to another model."

My brows scrunch together, and I start to shake my head. There will only ever be one model that is allowed into my inner sanctuary, and she is standing her shooting me a death glare.

"You told her...," She pauses and hurt flashes across her expressive eyes. Her bottom lip trembles and she damn near kills me, "you told her you were married. That you were 'very committed' to your wife."

The last word is whispered out like she can't bare to say the word. I think back to what she might be talking about and a brief fleeting memory comes to mind about the day after I had taken my sweet angel for my very own. A smile flits across my face at the memory. And Willa erupts in my arms.

I hang on, but only barely. "See!" she all but screams the word at me. "You even smile when you think of her, you jerk! How could you do this to her? Why? Why would chase after me when you are...when you obviously l...," she stops again refusing to say the word.

"When I so adamantly love her?" This time a tear makes it out of her eyes, full of misery and pain. I could draw this out, have fun with it, but I could never do that to her when this hurts her so very much. "Because," I smile at her and bend so I can make sure she is looking right at me, "the woman I was talking about to that other...," I look for the right word for that money-hungry beast, "troll, octopus, creature," Nothing really fits the disgust I have for her. I lean in close to her so I can whisper the word she needs to hear, "was you."

"What?" She tries to push away from me again.

"I was telling that insufferable harpy," that's a good name for her, "that I was devoted to the woman I plan to spend the rest of my life!"

She gasps, this time when her lips tremble it doesn't gut me nearly as bad. "I was talking about you, angel."

I spin her around to kiss the fuck out of her. God damn, did I miss this woman! I missed everything about her - her smile, her laugh, her body, her presence. It's not just physical with Willa. It's not just because she has a sexy as fuck body that makes my dick stand up. It's everything about her. Her mind, her sense of humor, her soul. I want it all. I love it all.

As soon as my mouth lands on hers, magic happens. It's just like the first time I kissed her and I felt my world move on its axis. I have to fight the pull she elicits in me. The overwhelming need is something I feel deep in my balls, in my chest where my heart used to be - she owns it now - and in my very being.

For the first time in two weeks, I feel at peace. I feel like my world is right again. I feel like I’ve come home.