Page 4 of Something Old

No, there is no way I am telling him about this baby. It's the right thing to do to tell him but I have to make sure I do whatever needs to be done to protect my baby...even if that means doing the morally wrong thing. My baby has to come first now. In the end, we are all we have. It's just me and this baby against the world and my little bean is depending on me to take care of him or her.

He ushers me from the car into the house. Thankfully we go in a side door leading straight to the kitchen area. I'm not sure if I could have made it up all those stairs in the front of the house. Not without having to take a nap in the middle of them. And God when do I get to take these fucking shoes off? They are killing me!

I got so lucky coming to the island because Reef has his own car and he drove all the way here. I got to kick my shoes off and nap for the most part. Even if that was all I had to do my body decided to swell up like I was a Willie Wonka character. Thankfully you can find anything on YouTube, including how to reduce swelling in your ankles. Who knew?

We pass through the kitchen so fast I barely have the chance to take it in before he is gently guiding me to the library. My older sister, Teddy, would cream herself over this room. Hell, any reader would. The thought of Teddy makes my heart hurt a little. We're so close but this is one thing I haven't told her about. I haven't talked to anyone about Peirce or the fact that I shared a magical night with him. And I damn sure haven't said a word about the baby.

What will she think about all of this? Will she be disappointed in me? I know she will love me no matter what. I'm extremely lucky I have that because so many don't. But how will my family take the news? I've not just changed my life or the life of my unborn baby -I'm going to shake up the lives of all of my family. Fuck me, have I made a huge fucking mess out of everything.

"Please," he waves his hand at an overstuffed couch, completely at home in this 'Castle', "sit down."

He walks over to the minibar area and starts pulling glasses out.


"No, thank you." Of course I would never drink knowing I was pregnant.

"Are you sure?" He swirls the glass at me, turning so he can look at me while he loads his glass with ice cubes. "I remember how much you like Amaretto."

"I'm pregnant." The ice he was about to put in his glass that he is holding with tongs falls to the floor and bounces. So much for keeping a secret from him.