Seb sat back, his arms folded over his broad chest and his legs crossed at the ankles. “Interesting. Dex told me the same thing.”

“Yeah, well, I have a higher clearance level. So whatever happens is on me.”

Seb gave him a smile. “You haven’t changed, you know.”

“What do you mean?”

“Since I was on the team. Still protective. I always admired that about you.” Seb looked remorseful. “I don’t know if I ever apologized, or if I did, I’m sure it wasn’t enough. I’m sorry I fucked up, Sloane.”

Sloane shook his head. “You gotta stop beating yourself up about what happened, Seb. You made a mistake, paid the consequences. If Weidman had been on the ball, it could have been prevented.” He was quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry I was such an asshole to you about it. You needed a friend, not another officer chewing you out.” At the time he’d been furious. They’d had a huge fight over it, and Sloane had said some things he regretted. Seb had needed a friend, needed Sloane to be understanding, but at the time, Sloane hadn’t been able to see past the breach in protocol. He’d never been invested in anyone emotionally and so couldn’t understand Seb’s fierce instinct to protect Hudson.

“No, you were—are, a good Team Leader. You had every right to be pissed off at me. My Felid side clawed for dominance, and I allowed it. I relinquished control to him.” Seb met Sloane’s gaze, his intense emerald stare pinning Sloane to the spot. He could see the Felid behind his friend’s eyes. See the ferocity in the tiger Therian watching him. “I’m not excusing what I did, but when your Felid side has found his mate, he will fight you with everything he’s got, Sloane. You might think you’re in control, but….” Seb glanced over his shoulder, and Sloane followed his line of vision to Dex who was laughing and teasing his brother. Something stirred inside him, and he turned back to face Seb, who continued, his voice grave. “When his life is about to be ripped away from you, you’ll see what you really are, what’s inside of you. I guarantee you, it’s terrifying.”

Shit. Did Seb know?

“I hope your Human side is stronger than mine was.”

Sloane didn’t know what to say. He wanted to say he’d be able to make the difficult choice, but he wasn’t so sure. His thoughts went to the other night when he’d lost control for the first time in his life. He remembered thinking how angry and scared he was at Dex for putting himself in danger. Wondering what he’d do if something happened to him. Before he knew it, his Felid side had taken over to the point his memory was fuzzy in several places. He couldn’t remember being present the whole time, and it had scared the hell out of him.

“You know,” Sloane said quietly.

“Yes. He didn’t come out and say it, but he made me understand why he was going through with this insanity.” Seb let out a heavy sigh. “I thought simply being Therian was challenge enough. Now I know it’s only the beginning. There’s so much we don’t know about what we are, Sloane.”

Sloane wanted to continue the conversation when Calvin came in from outside waving his phone. “We’re in. I’m picking him up at seven thirty tomorrow night.” His phone beeped and Calvin frown

ed at it. “How did Austen get my number?”

Dex shrugged as he walked back into the living room. “Dude’s like a short annoying ninja spy. Who the hell knows how he does anything?” He sat down in the armchair with Cael propping himself on the armrest next to him.

If Dex only knew the kind of spying Austen had been doing on him.

“Anyway,” Calvin said, sending a text. “Austen sent a location. I’m forwarding it to you guys.”

“Great.” Sloane looked up at Calvin. “We’ll meet at the safe house two hours before. Austen will have everything set up. Bautista trusts you, so this is your show. You up for it?”

Calvin gave him a firm nod. “Yeah.”

Sloane knew Calvin well. His friend was feeling guilty for what he was about to do. “We’re just going to talk to him, okay? If he’s really innocent in all this, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“I know.” Calvin tapped Hobbs’s shoulder, and the two headed for the front door. “Call if anything changes.”

The rest of their team said their good-byes, all promising to keep their eyes on their phones for any additional intel. There was nothing left to be done until tomorrow night. Hobbs would be the driver as usual, and he’d pick everyone up in the surveillance van they’d made out of Lou’s catering van. Sloane did not want to be around when Lou discovered what Dex had done to his shiny, expensive van. He might have to get Bradley to intercept and soften the blow.

After everyone had gone, Sloane had been left somewhat winded. It was more activity than he’d had in ages. Dex told him to go upstairs, that he’d clean up the kitchen. Nearly an hour later and still no Dex. Sloane was settled in bed against his garrison of propped-up pillows, trying not to doze off when Dex called up from downstairs.

“You in bed?”

“Where else would I be?” Sloane teased. “Why? What are you doing down there?” The kitchen hadn’t been that messy.

“I’ve got something for you. To say I’m sorry for acting like a jerk.”

“Okay, then come up here.” Sloane crossed his arms over his chest and waited to see what craziness his partner was about to spring on him. He heard Dex’s voice getting closer as he spoke.

“Do you need me to take your temperature?”

“What?” What the hell was he talking about? “What are you—” The words died on his lips, and his jaw dropped when Dex stepped into the doorway.

“I said, do you need me to check your temperature, Mr. Brodie?”