“No? Okay, how about, I like you, but more than like. You make me feel like there’s a party in my pants.”

Dex burst into laughter. “Oh my God, what are you on? Is it the meds talking? It’s the meds isn’t it?”

“I have no idea. No, it’s not the meds.” He drew his partner up against him and put a hand to his cheek. “I love you.” If those three little words were all it took to bring that glorious smile to Dex’s face, he’d never stop saying them. “And I’m sorry it took me this long to realize it.”

“That’s more like it.”

They kissed until they could no longer hold off on the inevitable. It was time to deal with this case and put an end to it so he could concentrate on the insane spur-of-the-moment decision he’d made to move in with Dex. The thought alone should be scaring the hell out of him, but like several other choices as of late, it wasn’t. He had no idea what the hell they were going to do about work, but they’d sort it out later.

“All right. From the beginning.”

Ash had filled Sloane in on what he knew, but Ash obviously hadn’t been with Dex every step of the way, so he needed Dex to fill in the blanks. He sat silently listening as his partner recounted everything he’d done from the day he asked Lou to use his basement up until their team’s most recent undercover job. Sloane had to admit, he was impressed. His partner had done all of it without Themis, without algorithms, or fancy gadgets. When Dex finished, he gave Sloane a few minutes to think quietly. They were getting close.

“Good job. Okay, I need you to set up a meeting with the team.”

“You got it. Where?”

“I want them here in the next half hour. And get Austen to set up a safe house. Nothing fancy, just somewhere out of the way where we can bring someone in. I want it equipped for an interrogation. Make sure there’s a nice restaurant within a few blocks.”

Dex gave him a puzzled look but got right to it. He phoned Austen first, then the rest of the team. In less than half an hour, they were all present and accounted for in Dex’s living room, including Seb. Man, his team looked like shit. Most of them had bags under their eyes, were in serious need of sleep, and the rest looked grumpy as fuck. The worst part was the grumpy ones weren’t the usual suspects. Cael who was more often than not cheerful and enthusiastic looked like he was ready to hiss and claw at someone. Ash looked… beat. Seb looked worried. Calvin and Hobbs looked… uncomfortable. Sloane would have to work that one out later. Rosa was most definitely pissed, and her glare was aimed at Dex. Letty was the only one who looked like everything was cool.

“Thank you all for coming.” Sloane sat on the couch with Dex beside him. “First, I know all about this insane unsanctioned mission.”

“Are you pissed?” Cael asked worriedly.

Sloane smiled at him. “No, I’m not pissed. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder.” His team stared back at him with surprised expressions, so he elaborated. “We’re a family, and when one of us needed help, you all stepped in. You put everything on the line to back Dex up. I’m not thrilled you kept it from me, and it better not happen again, but you came through for him.”

“So Dex fessed up,” Rosa said, wrinkling her nose at Dex. “You should have kicked his ass.”

“Yes, he fessed up,” Sloane said with a chuckle. He motioned over to his crutch. “Kicking is out of the question, but don’t worry. Sparta will still be there when I get back.”

Dex groaned. “Man, I thought you were going to let this one go.”

“Aw, that’s cute.” Sloane gave his partner’s knee a pat. “Not a chance. I’m going to remember every detail, and then I’m going to remind you why it’s a bad idea to withhold information from me.” He smiled brightly at the rest of his team. “That goes for the rest of you. Except Ash, because he was the only one who actually did what he was supposed to do.”

There was a collective groan followed by several colorful expletives in multiple languages.

“I thought you said you were proud of us,” Cael whined.

“I am, but you should know better than to keep secrets from me. Especially when it concerns the safety of one of your teammates.”

Everyone glared at Dex who went on to remove some imaginary dust from the couch cushion next to him.

“You can all thank Dex later. For now, let’s get this show on the road.” Sloane turned his attention to Calvin. “Cal, you did recon on Bautista. Do you think he’d turn?”

Calvin didn’t hesitate. He gave Sloane a firm nod. “I genuinely believe he doesn’t know what his boyfriend is up to. He’s a nice guy. No criminal record, priors, not even a parking ticket. He’s a grade school teacher with a perfect record. Visits his grandmother every Sunday. Spends time with his family. Does charity work. I think if we showed him who his boyfriend really is, he might be willing to help us.”

Ash nodded his agreement. “Cal’s right. We’ve done surveillance on him. Poor sap has no clue what Collins is up to. The guy genuinely believes Collins attends church every Saturday morning.”

Sloane mulled it over. This was their best lead. “All right. Let’s bring him in. Austen’s getting us a safe location. Cal, it’s time for another date with Bautista. Call him up. See if he’s free for dinner tomorrow night. If he asks you where, tell him it’s a surprise. Everyone else, wait for my instructions. In the meantime, help yourself to whatever’s in the kitchen.”

“Drinks and snacks, mi amigos!” Dex carefully pushed himself off the couch and motioned to the kitchen. Rose, Letty, Cael, and Hobbs followed while Calvin fished his phone out of his pocket and headed outside to call Bautista. Ash hung back, his gaze somewhere over Sloane. It didn’t take a genius to know who his eyes were following. He really hoped his friend sorted himself out. Sloane had no idea how much longer Ash could go on like this. Seb was heading for the kitchen when Sloane reached out and took hold of his arm.

“Hey, can I talk to you a moment?”

“Sure.” Seb came around the couch and sat down next to him. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. Thanks.” He glanced over his shoulder to make sure Dex was still in the kitchen and occupied. The team was currently surrounding his partner and tossing Cheesy Doodles into his open mouth for him to catch. So far he hadn’t missed one. Man, his partner was such a loveable dork. Looked like he’d be busy for a little while. Sloane turned back to Seb. “I really appreciate what you’re doing. If anything goes south, it’s on me.”