“Sorry,” Lou mumbled. “I’m nervous.”

Dex nodded, but didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to. He knew Lou. The guy would give himself away. A few weeks ago at Dex’s birthday party, they’d seen Lou and Bradley getting cozy by the bar as they chatted.

Lou frowned at him. “What?”


“You think I like him.”

“You seem a little… flustered is all.” Dex watched in amusement as Lou closed his appointment book. Straightened it. Nudged it. Unstraightened and restraightened it.

“It’s only dinner.”

“Uh-huh.” Anything Lou labeled as “only” something meant it was usually anything but.

“I’m trying not to think about anything else.”

“Why not? Bradley’s a really nice guy.” He’d liked Bradley from the first day he’d stepped foot in Dekatria, and not just because Bradley had been secretly cheering for Dex and Sloane to get together, but because he was a genuinely nice guy who always seemed to care about people. He was friendly, always smiling, laid back, and ready with a wink.

“So, what kind of favor did you need?”

Dex held back a laugh. “Not even gonna to try and be subtle about it? Okay. I’ll butt out. I came to ask you about the empty office you have next door. Is it still empty?”

Lou observed him. “Yes. Why?”

“Can I use it? I have some undercover work and need somewhere kind of off the grid to work from.”

“And your ex’s catering company is off the grid?”

“How many exes do you still keep in contact with?” If it hadn’t been for Sloane, Dex probably would have been another ex-boyfriend Lou never spoke to again. Dex wasn’t in the habit of keeping in contact with any of his other ex-boyfriends, but he was glad Lou decided he wanted to remain a part of Dex’s life. Four

years they’d spent together, sharing a lot of ups as well as downs. He liked having Lou as a friend.

“Point made,” Lou said. “Yes, it’s empty. Why can’t you work from your house?” The question was more out of curiosity than frustration.

“Sloane’s staying there while he recovers.”

Lou blinked in surprise. “He’s staying with you?”

“Yes. I asked him to. He has a lot of recovery to do and a list a mile long from the doctor about what he can’t do if he’s going to heal quickly. Luckily, he’s in great shape, and his Therian body has already started the healing process. Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Are you sure you’re not moving too quickly, Dex? Sloane’s kind of… restless.”

How the hell did Lou know? “We’re working on it. And it’s not like I asked him to move in. I’m just taking care of him while he’s getting better. He could have said no.”

“He could have.” Lou got up and walked over to a framed painting of cloves, the sweet yet spicy aromatic flower buds the company was named after. Behind it was the small wall safe where Lou kept some cash, important paperwork, and spare keys, including the keys to the office Dex was asking to borrow, though right now he was more interested in whatever point Lou was trying to get at. “Maybe you haven’t noticed, Dex, but Sloane has a really hard time saying no to you.” He removed a set of keys from a key box and tossed them at Dex who caught them in midair. “Granted, you have a knack for getting your way, but Sloane in particular has trouble putting his foot down around you.”

“What are you talking about? Sloane says no to me all the time.”

Lou put his hands up before closing up the wall safe and returning the frame to its original spot. “Never mind. It’s your relationship and none of my business.”

“You can’t start something like that and not follow through. You’ve obviously got something you want to say. Come on, Lou.”

“When you and I were together, you did and agreed to a lot of things to make me happy, even if you weren’t ready.”

Dex frowned. “Like what?”

“Like moving in.”