They’d already been over this. He’d even been over this with his dad. It was all in the past. Yes, Dex had gone through the motions with a lot to make Lou happy at the time, believing it was also what he wanted, but his relationship with Sloane was different. “I don’t see what this has to do with my current situation.”

“Are you sure Sloane’s not doing the same? Moving at your pace to make you happy? He obviously cares about you a lot, but he doesn’t strike me as the relationship kind of guy, so if he really is trying for a future with you, maybe you need to follow his pace for a while.” Lou sat down again, and Dex tried not to sound annoyed, even if he was.

“No one makes Sloane do anything he doesn’t want to do.”

“This is different, Dex, and you know it.”

Dex opened his mouth when he heard a familiar voice calling down the hall.


Lou sat up straight and smoothed down his shirt. “In here, Bradley.”

Bradley peeked into the room, a broad smile on his face. “Hey, guys.” He walked in dressed in trendy faded jeans and boots. The charcoal V-neck shirt and leather jacket covered up his arms’ tattoo sleeves, though part of a tattoo could be seen poking out from under his collar. The tall jaguar Therian extended his hand to Dex.

“Hey, Dex. How are you?”

“Good,” Dex returned Bradley’s smile and shook his hand.

Bradley’s smile faded, concern coming into his amber eyes. “How’s Sloane? I’m sorry about what happened. I’ve been really worried about him.”

“Shit, you called that day. Sorry, man. I meant to call you back.”

“Don’t worry about it. You had your hands full. I completely understand.”

Dex stood and backed up toward the door. “You could say that. Sloane’s doing better. Thank you. Listen, I don’t want to keep you guys.”

“If you need anything, you have my number.” Bradley turned to Lou with a wide smile. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you,” Lou replied, his cheeks turning pink. He stood and fidgeted with his hair.

“We should go. Reservation’s for nine.”

“Right.” Lou came around his desk to Bradley who gave his cheek a kiss, and Lou went red to the tips of his ears. As Bradley ushered Lou to the door, Dex whispered over at Lou.

“You’re blushing.”

Lou jabbed a finger in his direction. “Shut it, mister.”

The three of them walked out, saying good night to the staff on the late shift. Outside it was breezy, the scaffolding against the building’s façade making the sidewalk a little darker than usual. It would give Dex a little more cover for when he came and went, which was helpful. Bradley waved at Dex, his free hand going to the small of Lou’s back as they headed for his car.

With a chuckle, Dex waved the pair off. “You crazy kids have fun.”

Dinner reservations, blushing, telling Dex to shut it. Lou was definitely crushing on Bradley. Dex was glad. The pair looked sweet together. Soon as he saw Bradley’s slick Grand Cherokee drive off, Dex headed for the black metal door next to Clove Catering to check out the state of the office. Making sure no one was watching him, he unlocked the door and slipped inside, locking it behind him. He flipped the light switch in the narrow hall, noting how it had been recently given a fresh coat of cream-colored paint. At the end, a wooden door led downstairs to an office and supply closet.

Downstairs, Dex couldn’t have found a better setup. “Thank you, Lou.” There wasn’t much to it, but it was more than Dex could have hoped for. The rectangular room had a large metal table against the far wall, some electric sockets, a drab

but clean gray carpet, some cabinets, a small fridge, and a long couch Dex remembered had been upstairs when Lou had first rented the place. Lou had gasped in horror at its seventies-green velour and demanded Dex get it out of his sight immediately. This would be perfect. His phone rang, and Dex fished it out. It was Sloane. Fuck. He’d told Sloane he’d be back tonight. He closed his eyes as he answered.

“Hey, handsome.”

“Hey, you okay to talk?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

There was some hesitation before Sloane answered. “I was wondering if you were going to stop by tonight. I understand if you’re in the middle of something.”

“Actually, just finished wrapping up a long-ass conference call with PR.” Dex winced at the lie. “I’ve still got my bag there with you, so I’ll shower there and crash on the couch.”