Khalon hadn't quite known what to do the first time it happened. One moment Riley was dressed in various layers, including a regal cape, and the next moment he was in his trousers and a thin royal tunic over his shirt. Rayner was quite certain the man hadn't even worn a belt. The most fascinating part was that after the initial shock wore off, no one cared. They were all so charmed by Riley that his lack of royal attire became no consequence, simply another quirk of the dashing Soldati prince.

"I know," Khalon said through a chuckle. "It's not as if you'll be wearing it for long." He gave Riley a pointed look, but the sternness was gone the moment Riley's cheeks went pink. Khalon realized what Riley had taken his words to mean, and coughed into his hand. "What I mean is, um, you tend to remove your clothes, um...."

"Not helping," Riley muttered.

"Right. I'm going to go... do the things." Khalon pointed to the door.

"Yeah, you go do the things," Riley said, his lips pressed together as Khalon rounded his desk. Khalon narrowed his eyes at Rayner as he walked by.

"Oh, be quiet."

Rayner suppressed a grin and held his hands up in front of him. "I didn't say anything." Grumbling to himself, Khalon left the office, and Rayner fell back against the chair with a laugh. "The man is absolutely hopeless around you."

Riley let out what sounded like a dreamy sigh. "Yeah, he's something all right."

"You two are adorable."

Riley gave a sniff. "Now I know why he's always telling you to be quiet."

"A very noble attempt on his part," Rayner teased. He stood and walked over to Khalon's desk. He sat on the edge of it, his voice lowered. "My Prince, I have a favor to ask."

"Sure. Everything okay?"

"Would you keep Toka with you at all times while Pavoni is here? Do not let him out of your sight, and please, under no circumstances, allow Pavoni to be alone with him."

Riley narrowed his eyes. "I don't like the sound of this guy."

"He doesn't hold the same respect for servants we do. He has little regard for their lives, using them for his pleasure, then tossing them out into the cold when he's had his fun. Those who survive, that is. He has been known to force himself upon his servants. If Toka catches his eye, I fear what the bastard might do, and if he gets the slightest inclination of my affections for Toka, it will be worse."

"Okay, I really don't like this guy. I wish Khalon could just tell him to fuck off."

Rayner smiled warmly at his prince. If only. Rayner understood the politics in a way Riley had yet to comprehend. Riley was doing his best, considering he had centuries upon centuries of otherworldly traditions and laws to learn from a magical race he hadn't even known existed a year ago. "If the risk of war wasn't so great, I'm certain Khalon would have gladly done so. Sadly, that is not the case. Discord between our kingdoms would not be wise. Khalon understands this all too well. The Soldati are known for our hospitality, even in the face of louts such as Pavoni, and so, we will treat him as any other noble guest. Pavoni is also quite short-tempered."

"I'll keep Toka with me, I promise. If the guy lays a hand on him, I'll have his balls," Riley growled.

"Thank you." Rayner had no doubt Riley would do just that. Leaving Riley to his royal duties, Rayner went off in search of Toka. It was imperative he speak with Toka about Pavoni. As Rayner walked through the corridor, smiling and greeting the servants and his fellow Soldati, it struck him then that he didn't merely wish to warn Toka about Pavoni; he wanted to hold Toka in his arms. Goddess above, what was happening to him? When had he turned into the pining suitor? And yet, he quickly discovered he didn't care. Not one bit.

Chapter Three

NOW WHERE could his sweet little fox be?

Rayner so enjoyed a good hunt, and knowing a stolen kiss would be his prize once he found his quarry had him doubling his efforts. Finding Toka in the forest was far easier. He could distinguish Toka's scent among the trees, but in a castle occupied by hundreds of foxling servants, the task became far more daunting. He searched the kitchen, making sure to pilfer one of Nestore's mouthwatering hors d'oeuvres. The meat-and-cheese-filled puff pastries were simply too delicious to pass up, and well worth the towel whip to his bottom when he was caught red-handed.

"Out of my kitchen, you scoundrel!" Nestore huffed, waving his towel in warning. "You're as bad as His Majesty."

Rayner laughed. Clearly Khalon had already been by to snag a morsel or two. "Have you seen Toka?" Nestore was a bat-eared foxling with impressive black-tipped ears, whose expression ranged from "unimpressed" to "I have coasters with more charm than you."

Nestore waved a hand in dismissal. "Last I checked, he was off to find Luka. Go cause mischief elsewhere."

"It would be my pleasure." Rayner swiped another pastry before dashing out of the kitchen to the sound of Nestore's curses. At least he could look forward to the salivating banquet Nestore would fix. The foxling had a gift when it came to food. He used nothing but the best, freshest ingredients, and his chefs were the most talented in the realm.

Now, where could his foxling be? If Toka had sought out Luka, it would mean he was somewhere in the guest wing of the castle. The north wing was vast, with two dozen bedchambers, several bathrooms, a communal bath, half a dozen sitting rooms, two libraries, and a kitchen and pantry. Guards were stationed on the floor, despite there being no guests present. The bedchambers tended to fill up during the festivals or when Khalon's parents came to visit with their servants, and now the rooms would be occupied by Pavoni and his court.

At the end of the hall, R

ayner saw Luka bid farewell to Toka before exiting through one of the many doors leading down to the servants' wing. Rayner slipped into the shadows of an alcove that once held a stone tiger statue that had met its demise during a particularly energetic bout of roughhousing between two of Khalon's cousins on their last visit. Rayner lay in wait, smiling as Toka's scent grew nearer. He doubted the guards would pay him any mind, but he could hardly pounce on his quarry and deliver the kisses that were sure to follow in front of his king's Soldati.

Toka approached, and Rayner reached out to snatch his wrist and tug him into the shadows. He clapped a hand over Toka's mouth to stifle his gasp, then turned to whisper at him.