"That would be an understatement," Khalon informed him. "As you can imagine, Pavoni has held a great deal of contempt for Rayner since that day."

"The feeling is mutual," Rayner muttered.

"I don't suppose we can just say no, huh?" Riley asked hopefully.

Khalon shook his head. "Doing so would only provoke Pavoni, and I'm afraid we cannot afford to lose our alliance with the Orso. The demons are growing in number, and with every passing day, the wards deteriorate more and more, allowing an increased number of demons to slip into the human world. The Soldati are struggling as it is." Khalon ran a hand through his hair, releasing a heavy sigh. "The Orso have been at war with many kingdoms. If we were to become one of those kingdoms, it would leave both our world and the human world exposed. We almost lost the human world once to demons. I won't allow that to happen again."

"When was this?" Riley asked, concern filling his kind eyes.

"Humans refer to it as the Black Death."

Riley held up a hand. "Wait. You're telling me the Black Death was actually demons?"

Khalon nodded somberly. "Since the beginning, the Soldati have been tasked with keeping the human world safe, but a terrible war between realms forced us away from our duty. General Segreti served Pavoni's father at the time, and now he serves Pavoni. He's a good man, and a dear friend. He and his formidable army helped ensure our victory, but by the time the war ended, millions of human lives were lost." Khalon met Rayner's gaze, heartache in his amber eyes. "If Pavoni were to declare war, Segreti would have

no choice but to obey his king and lead his army against us. Every Soldati warrior currently residing in the human world, every warrior on patrol, every squad on the hunt would be summoned home. I fear the human world would not survive the devastation."

"Great," Riley muttered, biting into another cookie. "Guess that means Pavoni's coming to visit. How long does he plan on staying?"

"As long as he bloody feels like it," Rayner grumbled, taking a sip of his tea. With any luck, he'd be sent to the human world after a hoard of demons, giving him a perfect excuse to bugger off. It was an awful thing to wish for, but damned if he didn't hate Pavoni that much. The man was vile.

"All we can do is hope he has a pleasant time and goes home quickly and without incident," Khalon said, handing a letter to Ezra. Most likely his reply of why yes, do come to our kingdom to grope our servants, make a nuisance of yourself, and be a pain in our asses. Or more likely a simple we look forward to your visit. Rayner would happily shave his tiger stripes off if it meant avoiding a visit from Pavoni.

Ezra hurried off, and Khalon turned to Toka.

"Please inform Arrigo of the impending visit so he can begin preparations with the other servants. Pavoni will be expecting a banquet in his honor, so let's arrange it for the evening of his arrival. Inform Nestore I'd like to see the menu before he and his staff begin preparations. Have Luka begin bedchamber arrangements. He's to give Pavoni the larger of the rooms. Leave the tea and cookies. Have someone come back for them later."

Toka bowed. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Khalon excused him, and Toka was off to pass on Khalon's message, informing the head servants of the household of their new duties. Rayner would most likely see Toka darting from one end of the castle to the other until everyone was apprised of the situation, and then Toka would return to Riley's side. The castle was going to be a flurry of activity, with servants dashing around in preparation for their guests.

Khalon turned his attention to Adira. "Inform Captain Airaldi. Pavoni will undoubtedly wish to spar with several of his warriors."

Adira nodded. She placed her teacup on the tray and then left the room. Rayner arched an eyebrow when Khalon turned in his direction.

"You.... Just try not to infuriate the man."

Rayner scoffed. "How exactly am I to pull off such a feat? The mere sight of me infuriates him."

"Well, try. Just... try." Khalon's expression was pained, and Rayner let out a sigh. He certainly didn't want to be the source of any trouble for Khalon. His friend had enough to deal with these days without Rayner adding to his worries.

"Very well. I will do my best not to poke the bear."

"I would appreciate that," Khalon grumbled before looking pensive. "What if you were to be called away? Perhaps an impromptu visit to the human world? One that happens to keep you away for the length of Pavoni's visit."

"That sounds delightful, Khalon. With one exception."


Rayner cast a glance at Riley before turning his attention back to Khalon. "I don't trust Pavoni or anyone accompanying him. As tempting as it may be, I would not dare leave you, or my prince, when you might need me most."

Khalon straightened. He knew exactly what Rayner was referring to. Pavoni and everyone in his entourage would have to be closely observed. Khalon would find himself busy with Pavoni, Adira with Pavoni's men, and Ezra with Princess Verity and Prince Merlo, leaving Riley in the trust of their Soldati warriors. As much as Khalon trusted his warriors, and as capable as they were, there was no one Khalon trusted more with Riley's life than Rayner.

"You're right. I need you at my side." Khalon stood and stretched before leaning over to kiss the top of Riley's head. "You must meet with Uburto regarding your ceremonial wardrobe for the evening of the banquet."

Riley wrinkled his nose. "He's going to drown me in layers again, isn't he?"

Rayner held back a laugh at Riley's pout. His princely ceremonial garb was a far cry from the T-shirts and jeans Riley had been accustomed to wearing when he first arrived in the Soldati Realm. Come to think of it, any princely garb he wore was a far cry from his previous human wardrobe. During events that required him to wear more than his trousers and a simple jerkin over a shirt, Riley had a habit of discreetly shedding pieces of his clothing as the evening went on, much to Rayner's amusement and Khalon's befuddlement.