Toka nodded. She was right. He would not allow Pavoni power over his heart. Gently she took his hands and helped him to his feet.

"I must leave you now. He's on his way. I am so sorry." She kissed his brow and fled to a panel below a painting of a large brown bear in battle. The panel pushed inward, and she disappeared into the darkness. A heartbeat later, the door to the bedchamber opened. Toka swallowed hard. He straightened and rounded his shoulders.

Pavoni's lecherous grin made Toka's skin crawl, but he remained silent and stoic as the large man approached. He stopped before Toka and opened the velvet box in his hand. Toka's stomach turned at the sight of the gold collar. Its matching tag was engraved with Pavoni's name, and a gold bell was fastened to it. Pavoni removed the collar from the box, tossed the box to one side, and then placed the collar around Toka's neck.

"So that everyone will know you're mine." He fastened the clasp, then ran a finger up Toka's neck. "I'll have you begging at my feet soon enough. You'll see." He struck the bell with his finger, the shrill little ring grating on Toka. Lust filled Pavoni's gaze, and he ran a hand down Toka's arm. "You are truly beautiful." He moved his hand beneath the tunic and squeezed Toka's asscheek painfully hard. "Ask me to take you."

"Never," Toka replied through his teeth.

Pavoni slipped a finger between his cheeks and pushed at his entrance. Toka bared his teeth and snarled. He wanted nothing

more than to tear Pavoni's throat out, and he would, given the chance.

"Say it," Pavoni roared.


Pavoni snatched hold of the chain securing his wrists and jerked Toka after him, leading him to the bed. He propelled Toka against it, bent him over, and forced his head down against the mattress. Toka closed his eyes and gritted his teeth against the cold hitting his ass when the back of his tunic was shoved up to his waist. His feet were kicked apart, and he heard the clinking of Pavoni's belt, when a knock on the door resounded. Toka almost cried with relief.

"What the blasted hell is it? I'm busy!"

The door creaked open, and a voice spoke up. "Your Majesty, the lords are here as you requested before your trip to the Soldati Realm, remember?"

Pavoni cursed under his breath. "It slipped my mind. Have them wait outside the royal throne room. I'm on my way."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Toka was jerked back by his hair, Pavoni growling in his ear. "Consider yourself fortunate. I will have you before this day is out. Now come. I want everyone to see my pretty new toy." He took hold of Toka's chain and all but dragged him out of the room and down the corridor. Toka did his best to keep up with Pavoni's long strides. If he fell, Pavoni would undoubtedly drag him along the ground. They reached the throne room, and Pavoni marched down the red carpet to his throne. He sat, then jerked Toka to him, turned him so he faced away from Pavoni, and pulled Toka onto his leg, forcing Toka to straddle his thigh. He slipped his fingers into Toka's hair, his free hand tweaking Toka's nipple before moving under Toka's tunic to cup him.

"You feel so good," Pavoni hummed. "Tell me what you feel when I touch you."

Toka considered his answer carefully. If he said disgust, Pavoni would only be amused. He thought of what would irk Pavoni the most. Toka held his head high. "I feel nothing."

"Lies. Tell me I disgust you. Tell me how much you loathe my touch."

"Your touch means nothing. Therefore, I feel nothing."

Pavoni slammed a hand against Toka's back, sending him soaring forward. He hit the ground hard. On instinct, he covered his head when Pavoni descended upon him.

"Let's see if you feel nothing now, dog!"

Toka did his best to shield his head, his legs pressed together as Pavoni kicked at him over and over. A blow to the face left him with a bloody nose and bloody lip. His muscles screamed in agony, and when he thought he might lose consciousness, Pavoni stopped.

"Who told you to come in?"

"Forgive us, Your Majesty, the guard said you were ready for us."

Pavoni bellowed for his men and ordered Toka be returned to his room. The Orso guards pulled Toka to his feet and dragged him away. He limped as quickly as he could, one arm around his middle, the other in the painful grip of an Orso guard. Toka felt sick to his stomach, and the back of his eyes stung. His head was throbbing, and his body protested any movement. The Orso guards dropped him like a pile of trash on the small bed of straw next to Pavoni's bed.

Toka curled up on himself, shivering. He shifted into his fox form for warmth, the heavy chains loose enough for him to slip through, but he was in too much pain, too exhausted, and too frightened. Pavoni was sharp and conniving. He would never have allowed such an oversight, unless he was absolutely certain Toka had no hope of escaping. Why else would he not enchant Toka's shackles? Toka brought his brush up over his nose and whined. At least this way, he wouldn't cry. He couldn't lose hope. I must be strong.

"Why do you antagonize him so?"

The soft voice startled him, and he quickly shifted back. He sat up, holding himself tight as Princess Verity came to kneel beside him, a cool, damp cloth in her hand. She gently cleaned his face.

"It will only fuel his anger. He will kill you, Toka. Give yourself to him, and the blows will cease."

Toka shook his head. "I will never offer myself to him, and I won't lose myself to him either. If I do, it would mean losing Rayner, and our love. It's all I have left. I won't let Pavoni take the hope I have in my heart."