She dabbed at his split lip, and he caught her hand.

"If he finds you here.... I don't want you to get hurt. Please."

"You suffer terribly, yet you... fear for me?" Verity searched his gaze, though for what, Toka couldn't fathom. She pulled back, then reached into her skirt pocket and removed a small glass vial.

"Here. Take this. It's only temporary, but it will buy you some time."

Toka didn't know why she was helping him, but he quickly took the small vial and drank down its content. He'd handed it back when the most violent, agonizing pain jolted through his body. He gasped for breath and fell onto his side.

"I know it hurts. It will make you sick, but only for a day, two at most."

"Th... thank... you." Toka gave her a small smile before a sharp jab to his gut had him crying out. It was as if his insides were being turned inside out. He shut his eyes tight and gritted his teeth, but each churn of his stomach produced a greater, more agonizing blow to his body.

Verity shoved the empty vial into her pocket just before the door to the room was thrown open. "What the hell is going on? I can hear screaming from the blasted throne room!" Pavoni narrowed his eyes at Verity. "What are you doing here?"

"Brother, he needs a doctor." Verity rushed over to Pavoni and took hold of his arm. "I was on my way to see you when I heard Toka's painful cry."

"What's wrong with the bloody creature?" Pavoni scowled at Toka. "Surely I didn't strike him that hard. Bloody foxlings are such pathetic, weak creatures. Can't take even a little pain."

"Please, brother. He's very ill."

"Fetch the blasted doctor, then."

Verity nodded and hurried off, leaving Toka alone, writhing in pain. Pavoni grabbed a fistful of Toka's hair, forcing his head up.

"All you've done is buy yourself some time, but it won't stop me from claiming you," he snarled, taking hold of Toka's jaw and squeezing until Toka flinched. "Soon I will fuck you until he's nothing but a faded memory." He shoved Toka down before spinning on his heels and thundering out. Toka cried in both relief and anguish.

Chapter Seven

RAYNER FOUND Riley sitting in his favorite spot beneath the large willow tree in the east gardens. It was where Riley often enjoyed an afternoon nap, and where he came to read a book when Khalon was busy tending to business. At times the young prince simply needed what he called a "breather." It amused Rayner how many human words and phrases Rayner, Khalon, and the rest of the court had picked up since Riley's arrival. Although the Soldati had walked among humans since humans first acquired the ability to walk, they rarely interacted or stayed among the creatures long enough to completely pick up their customs. Every so often, Rayner would catch himself using one of Riley's words. Khalon was worse as he was only ever away from Riley when he truly had to be.

The east gardens helped Riley clear his thoughts. Next to the library and the kitchen, the gardens were Riley's favorite. It was easy to see why. The gardens stretched around the sides and back of the castle and bloomed year-round, regardless of snowfall in the winter. In the forests beyond the gardens, the leaves changed colors and fell, but the Soldati Royal Garden remained perfect. The grass always rich and green, the trees lush, and the many brightly colored flowers in bloom.

Trails were flanked by hundreds of flowers of all types and colors, painstakingly arranged. Statues of frolicking tigers could be found among the rose bushes and neatly trimmed hedges. Stone benches offered places to sit and watch the trickling fountains. It was breathtaking. Yet without Toka, Rayner found little enjoyment in the majesty around him.

Riley sat with his back against the large trunk, but this time, there was no book in his hands. He simply stared off into the distance. Rayner joined him on the grass, mindful of not stretching his healing wounds. His Soldati blood would heal him soon enough, even without Ezra's aid, but it was best he not take any chances.

"Don't be cross with him," Rayner said softly, drawing a knee up to rest his arm on. It had taken Rayner time to clear his head and work through the emotions clouding his judgment, though now he was more conflicted than ever. He understood why Khalon had done what he had, and Rayner was certain it was the most difficult decision Khalon had been forced to make since becoming king, one that was taking its toll on him. And yet Rayner could not help his anger at having his love torn from his life. Despite his grief, he felt responsible for the discord between his prince and his king. Riley had so much to learn without Rayner making things difficult for him.

"Cross? Oh, I'm beyond cross. He let that son of a bitch take Toka. I can't...." Riley shook his head, his lips pressed together as anger rolled off him in waves. "I love Khalon, I do, but I don't know if I can be with a man who would do something like that. Doesn't he care?" Riley turned his reddened eyes toward Rayner, and it squeezed at Rayner's heart.

Rayner was touched by Riley's fierce defense of Toka. The man's heart was filled with so much love and compassion. "Of course he does, but you must place yourself in his shoes. Everyone in this kingdom looks to him for protection, to provide for them when they're in need. Added to that, there is the human world to consider. The responsibilities that weigh on his shoulders are great. Khalon has lived centuries, ruling the Soldati Realm as it has always been ruled. What he did was for his people. By giving up Toka, he kept our kingdom in peace. Surely in your world, sacrifices for the greater good have been made."

"In my world, we don't give up to the demands of tyrants," Riley spat out. "What's to stop the next Pavoni from marching in here and making demands? Threatening Khalon with war. Will he give in to them as well? Who's next? You? Me? Ezra? Adira?"

Rayner hung his head in shame. "Toka was payment for my crime."

"Toka is a living being," Riley growled, his voice laced with his frustration. "He shouldn't be payment for anything! And as far as your crime, you didn't do it!"

Rayner swallowed hard. "The prince and princess gave their word. Their rank surpasses my own."

"Even if they're lying?"

Rayner couldn't help his smile. He took Riley's hand in his. "You have such faith in me."

"I know you," Riley replied softly. "You woul

d never have done what that bastard said you did, and just because their rank is higher than yours doesn't mean their word should be taken at face value. You didn't even get a trial."