"Would it really have been so terrible being married to me?" Merlo placed his hand over Rayner's, and Rayner gently pulled his hand away. "Forgive me." He sat back, looking deflated.

"Why were you willing to marry me, Merlo? Because you wanted to or because your brother wanted you to?" Rayner pushed his fingers underneath his tunic's collar and gave it a tug. He was suddenly feeling quite hot under his clothes.

Merlo worried his bottom lip with his teeth and shrugged. "My brother could have chosen worse. You're a good man. You would have been kind."

Rayner's vision grew blurry, and he blinked away the growing drowsiness. He was certainly ready to turn in for the night. Wait, was Merlo still speaking? Rayner had completely tuned out. He closed his eyes for a moment.

"Rayner? Are you all right?"

"Yes, forgive me. What did you say?" His vision blurred again, and he blinked at the encroaching fog. "I'm... not feeling so well. I should go. Excuse me." He stood and threw a hand out to steady himself.

"Oh dear. I think the drink was a little stronger than anticipated. Perhaps that was why it was so bitter. I thought it was just me," Merlo said, laughing softly.

Rayner nodded before excusing himself once again and leaving the banquet hall. As he headed toward his room, everything became hazy.

"I feel awful," Rayner grumbled, uncertain to whom he was speaking. Where was he? What had he been doing just now? "I think... I think I should lie down." An arm wrapped around his waist, and he tried to move away but faltered.

"Let me help you."

The voice was soft and gentle. "Toka?"

"Can you not see me?"

Rayner put one foot in front of the other. His head was throbbing, his vision a blur of colors. His limbs were heavy, and he felt as though he were drowning in liquor, but surely he hadn't had many. Had he?

"Everything's fuzzy," Rayner replied, closing his eyes. That helped. "I'm glad you're here." Rayner smiled despite his lethargy. "My little foxling."

"Your foxling?"

"Yes," he huffed. "You promised you were mine, remember? You gave yourself to me." He leaned into the warm body, nuzzling the soft hair. Rayner inhaled, frowning at the unfamiliar scent. "You smell different."

"I came searching for you and ran into Prince Merlo in the hall. I tripped, and he caught me. I must have picked up his scent."

"Oh. That was nice of him to help," Rayner mumbled. "Will you come to bed with me? Watch over me?"

"Of course."

Rayner sighed. "Tell me you love me again."

"Oh, Rayner. You have no notion of the depths of my feelings for you. Now, take me to your bedchamber, and I'll help you into bed. Poor thing. You can barely walk."

"I'm okay," Rayner said, his words sounding slurred to his ears. "You're here. Everything's okay."

Chapter Five

TOKA COULD barely believe it.

He sat in the middle of the giant four-poster bed, smiling like a dope. A royal bedchamber! Even if this was the only night he spent in one, he was thankful. He recalled the first night he'd shown Riley to this very room. It was warm, with the soft glow of candles and wall sconces. The wooden four-poster bed was colossal, as was the wardrobe in the corner. Across the room was an expansive stone fireplace with a wine-colored chaise lounge in front of it. The walls were decorated with intricately woven tapestries of tigers frolicking, and beneath the furniture, a matching rug stretched across the wooden floor. Despite the room's size, almost triple that of his bedchamber downstairs in the servants' quarter, along with its opulence, it wasn't imposing. Perhaps because Riley had stayed here, Toka thought of the room as cozy and inviting. If only Rayner were here with him, his evening would be even more perfect.

Toka wanted nothing more than to go to his love, but he didn't dare. It wasn't his place to do so. Also, Riley had asked him to remain in this room. It was sweet how concerned Riley was for him, and the way he'd protected Toka from Pavoni was like nothing Toka had ever seen. He would always be grateful to Riley. Mostly it was the moment Riley had told Khalon that Toka was his friend that had squeezed at Toka's heart. Although Riley didn't quite understand how a prince and servant could never truly be friends, Toka held the sentiment close to his heart.

Growing quite sleepy, Toka blew out the candles and turned down the lights. He'd bathed and dressed in the nightshirt and robe Riley insisted Toka take from the wardrobe. As he climbed into bed under the lush duvet and snuggled up into the luxurious feather pillow, he let out a sigh of contentment. With a great big yawn, he closed his eyes and thought of Rayner slipping into bed with him. It brought a smile to his lips. Rayner had looked so handsome at the banquet. It had been difficult to keep himself from sneaking glances at Rayner, and even more of a challenge not to touch him when he sat right beside Toka. Soon, he told himself. Soon he would be in Rayner's arms once more.

A BELLOW startled Toka awake sometime in the middle of the night, and he scrambled out of bed, his heart pounding fiercely. He threw the bedchamber door open, stumbling out into the corridor, forgetting about his bare feet. His heart stilled at the sight of Rayner on his knees outside his bedchamber, nothing but a blanket wrapped around his waist, which he clutched tight to his naked torso. What terrified Toka most, was the sword King Pavoni had to Rayner's neck.

Khalon and Riley emerged from their bedchamber still dressed in royal garb. Perhaps it wasn't as late as Toka thought. Had he been asleep such a short time? Khalon and Riley hurried over to Rayner and Pavoni. Toka slowly and quietly followed. He kept close to the wall, knowing he had no business being out here, but he couldn't go back to his room. Everything in him screamed to go to Rayner's side, to bark and snap at Pavoni for daring to thr

eaten his love. Rayner looked frightened and confused, as if he couldn't grasp what was happening. His eyes were red, and his chest heaved. Why was he naked?