"What is the meaning of this?" Khalon demanded, glaring at Pavoni. Toka edged nearer, making certain not to move too quickly and draw attention to himself. He tiptoed a few feet closer to Riley, remaining against the wall.

"This jackal is a disgrace to the Soldati and your name," Pavoni growled. "I knew he was a scoundrel, but this is beyond the pale, Khalon."

"What is his crime?" Khalon ground out through his teeth.

"In a drunken stupor, he attempted to force himself upon my innocent brother!"

Riley gasped, and Toka clamped a hand over his mouth to stifle his cry. Anger rose through him, and he gritted his teeth to keep quiet. That was a blatant lie! Rayner would never commit such a heinous act, no matter how into his cups he might be. He was an honorable man. He would never take someone against their will. Never.

Khalon stared at King Pavoni. After seeming to snap out of his trance, he turned his gaze to Rayner, his eyes filled with fear for him. "Speak."

Rayner shook his head as best he could with the blade held to his neck. "Khalon, you know me. I would never bring such disgrace to myself, to you, or the Soldati. When have I lost myself to drink? When have I ever behaved dishonorably? I swear to you--"

"Lies!" Pavoni spat. "You reek of spirits, and my brother said you could barely walk. You asked him for his aid in escorting you to your bedchamber, where you dragged him in and tried to have your way with him. Look at him!" Pavoni thrust a finger at the red-faced, disheveled prince, his shirt collar and sleeve torn and trousers undone. His hair was tousled, and his neck had red marks.

Princess Verity stepped forward, tears in her eyes. "It's true. I was heading for the guest wing when I heard my brother's distress. I should not have gone in, but I feared for him. I opened the door and saw Rayner... on him. I heard my brother... beg for Rayner to stop. I ran to fetch my king. He dragged Rayner off my brother and brought him out here."

Rayner met Khalon's gaze, his chin lifted in defiance. "I did not force myself on him," he ground out through his teeth.

"How did you get to your bedchamber?" Pavoni demanded. "The truth."

Rayner's eyebrows drew together, and he frowned. "I can't recall. I remember the banquet hall, speaking with Merlo, and then nothing until I found myself dragged from my bed."

"You see?" Pavoni sneered. "He was so inebriated, he doesn't even recall how he made it to his bed, and he admits my brother was the last person he spoke with. I caught him red-handed, and what's more, my poor sister witnessed the deed herself." Pavoni straightened, his disgusted gaze moving from Rayner to Khalon. "I cannot accept this slight against my family, Khalon. I demand justice. As per Soldati law, I am owed recompense and call upon the right to choose which punishment the criminal is to receive, or the Soldati face war with the Orso."

Criminal? How dare he! Khalon couldn't allow this. They had known Rayner for centuries, knew his character, his heart. He would never do what Pavoni accused him off. Toka clenched his fists at his sides, tears in his eyes. Even as he knew what Khalon's reply would be, his heart refused to believe it.

"Why don't we discuss this in my study? I'm certain that between us, we can--"

Pavoni was indignant. "My brother was almost defiled in your home by one of your men, and you dare attempt to placate me? I will not stand for this, Khalon, and neither will General Segreti."

Khalon was silent for a moment, his jaw clenched tight. When he spoke, his voice was rough. "What is your punishment?"

"Twenty lashes before the whole of the Soldati court by my hands."

Tears rolled down Toka's cheeks, and he shook his head, his heart splintered. Pavoni loathed Rayner. He would surely show no mercy. Rayner hung his head. He was left with no choice but to accept his king's pronouncement, and Toka wished nothing more than to go to him, to hold him close and kiss away his pain. Riley stood stunned, disbelief on his handsome face.

"And your recompense?" Khalon asked quietly.

King Pavoni's sneer was terrifying. He thrust a finger at Toka, and Toka's world came undone. His knees grew weak, and he sank to the floor. No. Please, no.

"You will gift me the foxling."

Riley rushed to Toka's side, dropped to his knees, and drew Toka into his arms. Toka was numb as Riley ran a hand over his head. This can't be. The horror was too great for Toka to accept, and his chest tightened. Breathing became arduous.

"How dare you!" Riley fumed. "Toka isn't anyone's to give. What's more he's my personal courtier. You're not laying one repulsive finger on him."

Pavoni snarled at Khalon. "Your prince has quite the mouth on him, Khalon. Might I suggest a firmer hand, seeing as how your mate clearly does not know his place."

Khalon straightened, anger burning in his eyes. "I'll have to insist you watch your tongue, Pavoni, when you speak of the Soldati prince."

Pavoni let out a snort of disgust. "How can I forget when you continuously lord him over us. Regardless of who he is, your prince will gift me the foxling."

"Never," Riley spat out.

Pavoni loomed over Riley and Toka. "Then Khalon will simply take him from you."

Toka began to shiver uncontrollably. His life, his home, Rayner... all gone.