Page 60 of Perfect Love

They said nothing.

“Ronan Stromkin,” Calista clarified.

There was silence.

Then laughter.

Dahlia wiped at a tear from the corner of her eye. “Stop stalking our Captain. If you’re really at his house, get out before he discovers you there and has you arrested for trespassing.”

Calista flushed hard, the kind that felt the way she had when the Bunsen burners had exploded.

“You are so cute,” Piper said. “Really, text me later which friend you’re staying with, we can get lunch.”

Calista looked down.

Mikah came up and stood behind Piper. He leaned against the half booth and cupped Piper’s shoulders, not saying anything, looking content to be there with her.

Piper tilted her head back to meet his eyes. “Any luck booking tickets to see the twins?”

Mikah nodded. “If we can get approval to do the extra day in Wisconsin, it’ll work.” He looked at Calista and arched his dark eyebrow. “If you get control, what would you say to that request?”

It would embarrass her that he’d even ask.

Dahlia jumped in. “You know she’d say yes.”

Calista squirmed. “You’d never have to ask me, of course you could go.” The twins were Mikah’s brothers, he should see them play whenever he could.

Mikah leaned over Piper and gave Piper a quick upside-down kiss, then he canted his head toward her and Dahlia. “Piper, pancakes, and now this? The arbitration judge wants player feedback, and you three are swaying me in the Amvehl direction.” Mikah touched Piper’s cheek with the tips of his fingers in a quick caress so it was clear to all of them Piper was the most important factor in that teasing list.

Despite his tone, hearing he was leaning in their favor, and not angry about her purchase of the team which mixed his professional and personal life weakened Calista’s knees in a definite relief. Calista honestly hadn’t known who Mikah would prefer owner-wise. Most people didn’t like change. Now, he’d let her know, without saying the words, that he’d choose them over Dodo. Calista wiggled her shoulders and seventy percent rolled through her mind. At ease, she made herself a cup of tea from Dahlia’s carafe and sipped the warm brew as she listened to them round out their plans to see his brothers.

Dahlia peppered in comments easily.

Calista would love to see the twins play too but didn’t want to be a third wheel. Also, she had to stay geographically close to Austin, given her class requirements. She’d check the twins’ schedule and pick a different game closer to home.

The brunch had thirty minutes left when Willow and Dodo arrived.

As a couple, they made her uneasy, and because of their history with her family, they made her feel protective of Piper and Dahlia. Calista couldn’t say she was sorry they hadn’t been here for the duration. On the other hand, no one liked a slight. The couple headed straight in her direction. To save Dahlia from the impending encounter, Calista slipped from the booth. She moved away and stopped under a pancake-shaped umbrella that shielded mimosas from the sun. Calista took one and let the pulpy sweetness brace her mood.

The duo grew closer. Dodo wore a Snowers polo with khaki trousers. Petite Willow wore a red, one-sleeved sweater dress with a slit on the side. She walked double-time in high stilettos to keep up with Dodo. Her heavy strawberry perfume reached Calista a second before the couple did. They snagged mimosas and greeted her. After that, Calista didn’t know what more to say to them, so she stood there quietly.

Willow tilted her scarlet framed sunglasses up to look around. She shrugged her bare shoulder. “A bit amusement park, right?” She drew in a long sip of her adult beverage and stirred the ice with the clear straw. “But as long as the guys can go into the bar after, they’ll have fun.”

They could do as they liked. Slide, plus beer and velocity would be a super mashup. Calista didn’t plan on being here at that point.

Liam strode over with an easy grin and shook Dodo and Willow’s hands. “Thanks again.” He included all three of them in his gratitude. “It feels like you all really thought of me when putting this together.”

“Of course,” Willow said. “You’re a starter.”

“Here you go, Liam.” Dodo handed Liam a round wrapped birthday package with shiny red birthday paper and ribbons.

“Thanks.” Liam unwrapped his gift, revealing a gold puck paper weight. “Cool, thanks.” He pocketed the puck, and his trousers dragged on that side. He sounded sincerely appreciative.

Hmm, he could melt that down, sell it, and give the proceeds to his family. Dodo had mastered a subtle way of giving money, clever. Social events were teaching her stuff, and she was learning. Calista nodded at Dodo and Willow. “Nice gift.”

Liam balled the wrapping and did an overhand toss, making the shot in the bin.

Next holiday, she could have diamonds cut like tiny pucks and let Liam know he could sell them. Happiness flitted through her at the subtle solution to his familial money dilemma.