Page 59 of Perfect Love

“I’ve been trying to keep some distance, stop obsessing over you, and maintain perspective.” Ronan turned so he stood beside her, facing the crowd. “Staying away has been torture.” He put his hand on the small of her back. The warm solid weight was affectionately reassuring, and the small taps he was making charmingly flirty. He put his mouth to her ear. “Don’t look at me like that, or I’ll blow all my good work and sneak you out of here before the griddle cools.”

Calista giggled. “I’m the host, I can’t leave yet.” Could she?

Ronan shifted her hair so the length fell behind her shoulder, and he toyed with the strands which felt heavenly. “You did an amazing job.” He sounded sincere.

The over-the-top event hadn’t thrown him off. Dang, that made him even more attractive. Not that she couldn’t handle good-natured ribbing, she could. Calista smiled up at him, relishing his appreciation on a deeply feminine level. Yep, she was into him.

What was it about this guy beyond his surface attributes? Some instinctive recognition that he was a good guy, or that they’d be compatible in bed? She’d gotten both right. Heat rose in her cheeks, and she shifted her attention to the crowd, most of whom were wishing Liam happy birthday.

With Liam, his appreciation for her efforts on his behalf had made her happy in a developing friendship kind of way. With Ronan, the idea of hanging out with him today was as tempting as a mechanical puzzle, a pull almost impossible for her to resist. If she weren’t the team owner and in public, with all the complex issues that came with that combo, she’d love to take his hand, hear him speak with his team, and simply learn more about him. What flavor pancakes had he eaten? Did he prefer pulp free or high pulp juice? What made him laugh?

Ronan lowered his head to speak into her ear. “The way you look at me is such a turn on.”

His breath brushing her skin made her tremble. If she left with him, she could be with him right now. His eyes gleaming and enthralled, his hands on her body, masculine, and in constant motion. Her chest rose and fell, and her bra became too tight, while her core warmed and ached. She pivoted toward him. Wherever he wanted to go, she was in. She braced her palm on his taut abs. “Okay.”

Ronan’s eyes flared.

“Yo, Captain.” The masculine voice came from a few feet away.

Calista dropped her hand from Ronan’s shirt.

York walked up, Minnesotan, tallest player on the team at 6’8” which gave him incredible reach and the ability to hit out-of-range pucks. He waved at Ronan, and when he spotted Calista, the motion extended to include her. “Hey, Ms. Amvehl.” York nodded to the barista. “Espresso, please.”

Ronan reached out, and York bumped his knuckles. “What did you think of the Rangers’ third period defensive move?”

The question was fascinating, but Calista was still reeling from her powerful reaction to Ronan’s nearness and his suggestion that they take off. She eased away, leaving Ronan to speak with York, and joined Olivia and Vivien.

Her friends were carrying discarded pancake cushions back to the pile at the base of the stairs. Calista joined in and helped.

“We’re killing it.” Vivien released her armful revealing her custom t-shirt, a llama eating a pancake.


Olivia had gone with one of her preferred Peter Pan collared blouses paired with wide-legged, high waist trousers.

Coming over here was a good idea. Calista could use some female advice.

“I’m getting great feedback and even better photos.” Olivia grinned, a clever glint in her eyes. “We can definitely present this as a group project for class.” She tilted her head. “We’ll be careful with how we phrase Artie’s participation.”

“He didn’t veto anything,” Callista suggested.

“That’s true.” Olivia brightened. “And he made adequate warnings, about the risks of robotics and liquids.”

“Team genius.” Vivien held out her fist, and though the words were cocky it was fun bumping to them.

School work aside, Calista had a romantic problem she could use advice on. How to word her dilemma? She wanted to leave with Ronan, but have the two of them not be noticed, and why hadn’t Ronan pulled her to him in front of York? Sigh. She knew why. People noticed Ronan. He was the captain. He had charisma and a genuine interest in his players which made them come to him. Next guy she fell for needed to be less popular and have nothing to do with hockey. Her body shuddered. Ha, that guy held no appeal for her. Had Ronan ruined her ability to fantasize about other men? Maybe so because she couldn’t even imagine a man who was more than him. He was the whole package.

“Who you staring at?” Vivien chuckled and elbowed Olivia.

Ugh, she wasn’t going to ask them for man advice, not when she had yet to update her sister and cousin with what was going on. “I’m going to say hi to Dahlia.” Dahlia had arrived about ten minutes ago and was sitting with Piper. Calista raised her chin and headed over. She slid into the end of their booth and exchanged greetings.

Dahlia sipped her tea and looked at her with bright green eyes. “This brunch is so fun.”

Heat hit Calista’s cheeks. “The décor was all Olivia and Vivien.”

“But you chose those two, sweetie, that’s brilliant.” Piper snapped her fingers as if she’d just thought of something and pointed at Calista. “I went by the house yesterday. You’re clearly not staying there.” She exchanged a big sister look with Dahlia. “The house was super clean.”

Oh, an opening for lady talk. Piper and Dahlia would understand her overwhelmed feelings and give her loving guidance. She leaned in and whispered, “I’m staying with Ronan.”