Kenzie hands me a bottle of wine. Pink Moscato, my favorite when I’m not drinking hard alcohol. It’s sugary, bubbly, and doesn’t ever give me a hangover.

“You might want to take a drink before I tell you how much one-way tickets cost right now,” she says.

“I don’t even want to know. Maybe I just shouldn’t go. What am I going to do by myself in Saint Lucia?” I groan, taking a long pull straight from the bottle. There will be no glasses for me tonight.

Kenzie waggles the brows above her hazel eyes. “Umm, I have several ideas, and one of them includes cabana boys. Sexy, unattached, tanned, and muscled cabana boys.”

“I don’t think your version of them is real. I’m sure it’s more like middle-aged men in Hawaiian shirts serving the poor lonely women, then telling jokes about them when they return to their kitchen to fill more orders,” I say.

It’s been made painfully clear that I have no luck when it comes to men. Not even that time when I tried to have a one-night stand. Epic. Fucking. Fail.

I take several more gulps from the bottle. I’m especially grateful for Piper when I see three more in the oversized bag she calls a purse.

The fire is burning through Gavin’s belongings too quickly. I’m not sure what I’ll do when I have nothing left of his to destroy.

I stare off into the darkness. I know I need to tell them the details of what happened. The quicker I do, the better I’ll hopefully feel, but that doesn’t make the words leaving my mouth any easier to get out.

“I got off work early today and didn’t tell Gavin.” I laugh darkly. “I thought I’d surprise him.”

Piper and Kenzie wear matching frowns, but stay quiet, letting me get the words out in one go.

“When I opened the door, they were on the couch and naked and…” I shudder trying to finish the sentence.

“I didn’t say anything at first. I only slammed the door. And the woman he brought into my house? Yeah, she merely smirked at me before digging her claws into Gavin’s shoulders. The bastard scrambled up, sputtering on about how this wasn’t what it looked like. Like I was supposed to believe that he’d been forced to put his junk in her stank.”

“That fucking dick…ass,” Piper mutters, making Kenzie and me burst into laughter. Something I very much needed.

“Dickass? That’s a new one,” Kenzie says.

Piper huffs. “Well, dick and asshole didn’t seem like a good enough slur.”

I reach a hand for hers. “Dickass is perfect.”

“What happened next?” Kenzie asks.

“He threw clothes at her and helped her out the door while I tried to process what the hell I’d just walked in on. Once she was gone, he tried to apologize, but I threw a couch cushion at his head and told him to get the fuck out.”

My stomach churns when I remember his still-hard dick standing proud for the woman he’d brought into the home we shared.

Piper raises a brow. “Did he actually leave?”

I shake my head. “He grabbed the rest of the clothes off the floor and ran for our room before I could think to rip his balls off. A missed opportunity I now regret. I went to the kitchen while he packed whatever shit of his he deemed important.”

Kenzie’s fists tighten in her lap. “And he just left without begging for your forgiveness?”

I shrug. “He passed by the kitchen on his way out. My close proximity to the knife drawer might have made him think twice about speaking to me so soon.”

“That fucker,” Kenzie mutters through gritted teeth.

Piper gives my arm a squeeze. “I know this is harder to accept than to say, but Gavin isn’t worth any more of your time or heart after tonight. Try to remember that you’re not alone just because he’s gone, Ella.”

My chest tightens painfully at her soft words. I know they’re true, and that helps, but it doesn’t take away the ache of having been cheated on. Again.

I should be a pro at going through the break-up phases: shock, anger, grief, regret, more anger, and then acceptance.

Each one is more annoying than the last. At least until I’m able to get to acceptance. I just need to find a way to speed up the process, because spending weeks, possibly even months, moping over another failed relationship isn’t something I want on my agenda.

Maybe some time alone being unable to avoid my feelings would get me there quicker.