I throw another shirt into the fire, watching the flames take on a blue hue from the colored cotton. Thunder cracks in the air. Summer storms are my favorite.

“I’m going to go on the vacation,” I finally say.

Kenzie and Piper both snap their heads toward me.

“And fuck a cabana boy to get over the dickass?” Kenzie asks excitedly.

“Absolutely not. I’m swearing off men for a while. I’ll be fine with the B.O.B.s in my life for the foreseeable future.” Using a battery-operated boyfriend definitely isn’t my first choice for pleasure, but it seems better for my mental health. At least until I can figure out how to not choose a cheating bastard for a boyfriend. Hell, one of them had even been my fiancé.

Blake Parsons.The thought of him still irks me.

“It’s not a terrible idea. Maybe we can go to Suzy’s before you leave and you can travel with a new B.O.B.,” Kenzie suggests with a heavy wink, and I laugh.

“Yeah, I can see the TSA agents having loads of fun with a big dick in my bag showing up when they scan it through. That’s a good time that I’m going to have to pass on. We’ll go when I get back. Make a smut party out of it.”

Kenzie still has an evil glint to her eye. “Oh, come on, El. It would be more embarrassing for them than you, I’m sure.”

She’s wrong about that. Maybe not if it was her dildo, but for me? I’d die of embarrassment right in the airport, causing myself even more shame from my grave when the internet found out. I can see the memes now: Death by Dong.

I shake the thoughts from my mind and throw the last pile of crap from Gavin on the fire. It’s nearly full of ash, and the smell of materials I never should have burned is giving me a headache. Though, my heart feels better, and that was the main goal of my destruction.

“Who’s ready to dance around in our underwear while we finish all the wine Piper brought, along with whatever we find in my cabinets?” I ask, hoping they won’t mind the late evening on a weeknight.

I need my girls, at least for tonight. I want to avoid the grief stage until I’m already buckled in my seat on the plane. Otherwise, I might wuss out and stay home feeling sorry for myself when I need to remember how fucking awesome I am.

Kenzie and Piper share identical smiles that have one growing on my face as well. Yes, tonight will be amazing and Gavin will soon be forgotten, along with the two years I wasted on him.

I might be nearly thirty and alone, but I have the best girlfriends anyone could wish for. No matter how heartbroken I want to feel, I intend to move on toward grander and better things.

Gavin won’t steal another minute of my life.